Easiest answer would be: Use a common OS, with a common browser, and no add-ons.
The moment you start using something different to Windows, Android, iOS or macOS with Safari, Chrome or Firefox, you're probably already in the 5 % (just my uninformed estimate). Add-ons also increase this value drastically.
Long story short: The sad truth is, the moment you're interested in online-prviacy, you're very unique.
Spoofing is a whole hell of a lot easier said than done. Content delivery networks like Akamai, Cloudflare, etc. all know exactly how different versions of different browsers present themselves, and will catch the tiniest mistake.
When a browser requests a web page it sends a series of headers, which identify both itself and the request it’s making. But virtually every browser sends a slightly different set of headers, and in different orders. So Akamai, for example can tell that you are using Chrome solely by what headers are in the request and the order they are in, even if you spoof your User-Agent string to look like Firefox.
So to successfully spoof a connection you need to decide how you want to present yourself (do I really want them to think I’m using Opera when I’m using Firefox, or do I just want to randomize things to keep them guessing). In the first case you need to be very careful to ensure your browser sends requests that exactly matches how Opera sends them. One header, or even one character out of place can be enough for these companies to recognize you’re spoofing your connection.
If you are trying to obfuscate instead of poisoning your data, you are doing it wrong.
You can't be identified if your fingerprint is always different.
Fingerprinting panic is some bullshit created by brave browser, a bloated shitware than installs a lot of unnecessary crap on your device, including their own advertisement engine.
I wonder if you don’t actually use tor but use their version of Firefox if you still get their anti fingerprint benefits, or if being one of the few tor users not using tor makes you too unique.
EFF is an org that I'd run to join if they had a position I could fill. I've been on their side since the 90s, when I was too young to tell if I was choosing the right side because I didn't understand everything they advocated because I was a kid. They are the ACLU of the internet.
well. as another said, one is pretty unique the moment they seek online privacy. this is the sad reality of it. You want to blend in, less unique? Ditch privacy is a way to go. Is this a shit choice, of course it is. The otherway around is embrace the uniquess on every refresh of the page. However, I still have a hard time to beat some very sophisticated fingerprinting engines. Or you can disable Javascript and you won't be fingerprint-able at all along a VPN.
Use a computer that you bought off the shelf at a big box store. Don't add any hardware, software, fonts, or change any settings. Use MS Edge with no extensions, and clear your cookies and cache after each session.
I was thinking Edge becaudse that comes stock with every new system you buy; Chrome is something you have to install proactively. But yeah, you're probably right. You eith look anonymous because your system looks generic, or you have some small degree of privacy without anonymity. It's a shitty choice to make.