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merde merde alors


notated as

"constant performativity, brand management, status seeking" ;P

☞ "Information wants to be free"

Posts 251
Comments 1.8K
Color Hunt
  • why is this removed? I was just informing about a tracker/advertisement on the linked website.

  • European edible dormouse

    > The European edible dormouse also known as the European dormouse or European fat dormouse (Glis glis) is a large dormouse and one of only two living species in the genus Glis, found in most of Europe and parts of western Asia. The common name comes from the Romans, who ate them as a delicacy.

    [Community Challenge 54] Charades
  • late entries go directly to voting thread ☞

  • Why do anarchists stay on reddit or other corporate-run platforms?
  • Most online anarchists aren't anarchists at all.

    what year are you in? Are people still offline irl when you are?

    "Most online anarchists aren't anarchists at all" 🤣

  • Some fall color on the bike trail
  • fence seems to be deformed where they swerved to right

  • Does anyone know any apps that I can use to draw pixel art?
  • pixaPencil ☞

    ignore the "source code no longer available". It works fine as it is.

  • Censorship of Wikipedia

    Bassel Khartabil was a contributor to a number of open-source projects including Wikipedia; his arrest in 2012 was likely connected to his online activity. He was executed at Adra Prison near Damascus in 2015. Several organizations, including the Wikimedia Foundation, established the Bassel Khartabil Free Culture Fellowship in his honor in 2017, for an initial period of three years.

  • Taking penetration testing to a whole new level
  • Over on Twitter, @kenchengcomedy set out to troll all 195 countries’ flags the world over and it turned into quite a feat of endurance.

    Someone’s been trolling the flags of all 195 countries and it’s epic or

  • Wikipedia article blocked worldwide by Delhi high court.
  • if this 👇 happened in France, than of course that 👆 can happen in India

    The DCRI summoned a Wikipedia volunteer in their offices on April 4th [2013]. This volunteer, which was one of those having access to the tools that allow the deletion of pages, was forced to delete the article while in the DCRI offices, on the understanding that he would have been held in custody and prosecuted if he did not comply. Under pressure, he had no other choice than to delete the article, despite explaining to the DCRI this is not how Wikipedia works. He warned the other sysops that trying to undelete the article would engage their responsibility before the law. This volunteer had no link with that article, having never edited it and not even knowing of its existence before entering the DCRI offices. He was chosen and summoned because he was easily identifiable, given his regular promotional actions of Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects in France.


  • Censorship of Wikipedia

    > Censorship of Wikipedia by governments has occurred widely in countries including (but not limited to) China, Iran, Myanmar, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, and Venezuela. Some instances are examples of widespread Internet censorship in general that includes Wikipedia content. Others are indicative of measures to prevent the viewing of specific content deemed offensive. The duration of different blocks has varied from hours to years.

    Wikipedia article blocked worldwide by Delhi high court.
  • i'm guessing that it must be like Xitter in Brazil. If a company is present in a country, they may require a legal representation which can be held accountable.

  • Wikipedia article blocked worldwide by Delhi high court.
  • it's more of a blackmail. Wikipedia could have kept the article online for everybody but they would have deprived 1,5 billion people in India of the whole Wikipedia.

    The judge on the case stated "If you don't like India, please don't work in India... We will ask government to block your site".

    On 21 October, the Wikimedia Foundation suspended access to the article for Asian News International vs. Wikimedia Foundation due to an order from the court.

  • Wikipedia article blocked worldwide by Delhi high court.
  • from that page i can switch to English ☞

    In July 2024, ANI filed a lawsuit against Wikimedia Foundation in the Delhi High Court — claiming to have been defamed in its article on Wikipedia — and sought ₹2 crore (US$240,000) in damages. At the time of the suit's filing, the Wikipedia article about ANI said the news agency had "been accused of having served as a propaganda tool for the incumbent central government, distributing materials from a vast network of fake news websites, and misreporting events on multiple occasions". The filing accused Wikipedia of publishing "false and defamatory content with the malicious intent of tarnishing the news agency's reputation, and aimed to discredit its goodwill".

    On 5 September, the Court threatened to hold Wikimedia guilty of contempt for failing to disclose information about the editors who had made changes to the article and warned that Wikipedia might be blocked in India upon further non-compliance. The judge on the case stated "If you don't like India, please don't work in India... We will ask government to block your site". In response, Wikimedia emphasized that the information in the article was supported by multiple reliable secondary sources. Justice Manmohan said "I think nothing can be worse for a news agency than to be called a puppet of an intelligence agency, stooge of the government. If that is true, the credibility goes."

    On 21 October, the Wikimedia Foundation suspended access to the article for Asian News International vs. Wikimedia Foundation due to an order from the court.

    which is what's quoted by OP

  • Lemmy is weird somethimes, and that's a rule
  • i already regret asking but can you share the photo here?

  • Wild Wild Wiki
  • not to forget moderators who "may" abuse their "powers"

  • The Man Who Hunted Sea Lions on Lemmy
  • i can't read 2 of these in one night, sorry. I stopped after the 2nd paragraph

  • The Spores of Lemmoriatic
  • how many trips does a pip need to stop obsessing about identities?

  • Pussy Riot

    > Pussy Riot is a Russian feminist protest and performance art group based in Moscow that became popular for its provocative punk rock music which later turned into a more accessible style. Founded in the fall of 2011 by 22 year old Nadya Tolokonnikova, it has had a membership of approximately 11 women. The group staged unauthorized, provocative guerrilla gigs in public places. These performances were filmed as music videos and posted on the internet. The group's lyrical themes included feminism, LGBT rights, opposition to Russian President Vladimir Putin and his policies, and Putin's links to the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church.


    Hungry Tree

    > The tree was planted adjacent to a cast iron bench dating from the early 1800s. Over decades the tree has grown to encompass the bench. The tree is said to be "eating" the bench, which is how its name originated.


    cats on k

    high as a kite… kitten


    why are generated dragons unwelcome?

    👆 title

    what's the reason behind the 1st rule?


    BIC lighter

    > In 1975, television commercials told potential consumers to "flick your BIC", a slogan that is still used.


    delete this please



    List of human-based units of measurement

    > This is a list of units of measurement based on human body parts or the attributes and abilities of humans (anthropometric units). It does not include derived units further unless they are also themselves human-based. These units are thus considered to be human scale and anthropocentric. A cross-cultural review of body-based measurement systems has found such units to be ubiquitous worldwide.


    Carrying pole

    > A carrying pole, also called a shoulder pole or a milkmaid's yoke, is a yoke of wood or bamboo, used by people to carry a load.


    Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works Volume II (Expanded Edition) (Full Album)

    > On 18 June 2024, James announced an expanded edition of Selected Ambient Works Volume II would be released later in the year. The re-issue was confirmed to be releasing on digital, triple CD, 4xLP standard and box set editions and double cassette formats. This re-issue included two bonus tracks, "th1 [evnslower]" and "Rhubarb Orc. 19.53 Rev", as well as the 19th track being released on all formats. The tracks were gradually released onto streaming platforms, with "#19" releasing on the day of the announcement, "th1 [evnslower]" releasing on 4 September 2024 and "Rhubarb Orc. 19.53 Rev" being released on 2 October 2024. Selected Ambient Works Volume II (Expanded Edition) officially released on 4 October 2024.


    Abya Yala

    > Abya Yala (from the Kuna language: 'Abiayala', meaning "mature land") is a neologism used by some indigenous peoples of the Americas to refer to the American continent. The term is used by some indigenous organisations, institutions, and movements as a symbol of identity and respect for the land one inhabits. The increasing usage of the term can be viewed in the context of decolonization, as it serves to create an understanding that "land and discourse, territorio y palabra, cannot be disjointed" and a geography in which a struggle for sovereignty and resistance occurs on an everyday basis for Indigenous communities.


    Les dilemmes éthiques de la voiture autonome | ARTE

    > Disponible jusqu'au 31/12/2024

    > Des voitures autonomes arrivent sur les routes d'Amérique du Nord et d'Europe. Une révolution qui génère de nombreuses questions éthiques. À qui appartiennent les données collectées ? Que choisira l'IA en cas de collision inévitable ? Qui est responsable ? Les scientifiques estiment urgent d'organiser un débat citoyen et ont mis en place pour cela une plateforme, la « Moral Machine ».



    > Cryptozoology is a pseudoscience and subculture that searches for and studies unknown, legendary, or extinct animals whose present existence is disputed or unsubstantiated, particularly those popular in folklore, such as Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, Yeti, the chupacabra, the Jersey Devil, or the Mokele-mbembe. Cryptozoologists refer to these entities as cryptids, a term coined by the subculture. Because it does not follow the scientific method, cryptozoology is considered a pseudoscience by mainstream science: it is neither a branch of zoology nor of folklore studies.






    de denture re



    1 Christiania - 99% Invisible

    In the year 1623, Christian IV, king of Denmark and Norway, built a long series of moats and ramparts just across from central Copenhagen, on the eastern edge of the city’s harbor, to protect the city from Swedish invasion. In the early 19th century, the Danish government added artillery barracks. A...

    Christiania - 99% Invisible

    > The squatters quickly declared the base in the middle of the city “a politically autonomous anarchist zone.” Or, in plainer English, a commune. Taking a cue from the surrounding “Christian’s Harbor” neighborhood, they called it “Christiania.”

    > Like many other communes, Christiania’s founders wanted the new world they made within the walls to be as free as possible from all the old world’s rules and customs and hierarchies. They drew up a mission statement, according to which the goal of the commune was quote “to create a self-governing society whereby each and every individual holds themselves responsible for the well-being of the entire community.”


    Pencil moustache
