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MangoPenguin MangoPenguin

He/Him | Gay Demi Furry Boy


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Comments 856
How does car insurance on multiple vehicles work (USA)
  • Yeah you get fairly large discounts on extra vehicles, the logic being that you're only driving one at a time and so collision and liability coverage costs only go up a little for each extra vehicle.

  • Firefox cert issue
  • Without having opened the cert in firefox and seeing what exactly happened there's not really any way to know.

  • Why do so many people use NGINX?
  • It just works and it's in every distros default repo, it's pretty easy to set up and can be a webserver for static files, PHP sites, etc.. It can be a reverse proxy for HTTP(s) traffic or just forward TCP/UDP.

    There's also endless documentation out there for how to do something in nginx.

    HAProxy is a nightmare to use in my experience. It just feels so clunky and old.

    Caddy is nice, but downloading and updating it is a pain because you need modules that aren't included in the repo version.

  • docker compose reverse port map without using Host network driver (--net=host)
  • Have you tried the IP of the host? IIRC that should work.

  • [Question] For running Samba on a Debian host, what's the better solution? Native, LXC container, or VM?
  • Yeah, and it allows directly passing through storage, otherwise I use VMs if I don't need to do that.

  • Why does my FireFox take so long to load?
  • I've always wondered why snap is so slow, I feel like launching a docker container with firefox in it would still be faster than snap.

  • [Question] For running Samba on a Debian host, what's the better solution? Native, LXC container, or VM?
  • I do LXC, just seems easier since I can mess with things and use Cockpit or whatever to manage it, without worrying about the host system.

  • Follow-up: Temporary fix for Immich's shady third-party API
  • You could, but it's easier to just disable the map feature in Immich if you don't want to use it.

  • Wording change and clarification for purchasing Immich · Discussion #11313
  • Yeah that would be a nice feature to see. The mobile app is sometimes a little buggy loading photos on my phone too, it will be slow to load like it's pulling from the server even though the photos are also locally on the phone.

  • Easiest way to selfhost Linkwarden on my desktop?
  • Grab docker desktop, then I think you should just be able to follow the Linkwarden install docs. It's been awhile since I've used docker on windows though.

  • Recommended operating system for self-hosting on a VPS?
  • Debian is my vote, that's what I run on all of my servers, containers, and VMs.

  • Wording change and clarification for purchasing Immich · Discussion #11313
  • Is immich in a usable state yet?

    I've been using it for 388 days (as helpfully shown by the new buy button, nice touch), and it's been stable and rock solid the entire time.

    I've had a few times it went offline, due to the breaking changes in the docker compose file because I auto-update everything, but it's always been like a 2 minute fix and it's back online.

    Everything is backed up on my server nightly with incremental backups, both locally and online. So I'm not really worried about something going catastrophically wrong and deleting all my photos or something.

    (just point to a folder and you’re good to go)

    Immich has that in external library support, it's pretty easy to set up.

  • Immich relies on a third-party service that seems shady to me
  • I think disabling by default and having a clear explanation of what enabling it involves is good.

    Maybe in the initial account creation/onboarding on a new instance, have it ask if server wide maps should be enabled using the default provider, with clear text about what that involves.

    The option to use other providers sounds good too.

  • CrowdStrike’s Falcon Sensor linked to Linux crashes, too • The Register
  • The fix on windows was just removing the bad file, there was no reliance on crowdstrike to fix the initial issue that I know of.

  • recommended hard drives for cold storage
  • Yeah that's what it seems like, used SAS HDD are around $7/TB right now and I don't think anything is going to be cheaper than that.

  • Container Addons
  • I'm curious too, they're great for managing multiple accounts on services that don't natively support multiple. But as far as I know from a privacy perspective I'm not sure they have any advantage anymore.

  • recommended hard drives for cold storage
  • Is there a go-to budget tape system that's worth looking at? In the past it seemed like getting anything with reasonable density like 10TB+ per tape was so expensive I could buy like 200TB of HDDs for the same price as the drive alone.

  • nut_webgui v0.3.1, Light-weight NUT web GUI
  • Looks great! I'll have to give it a try

  • Malware As A Service
  • Are we acting like Linux couldn't have the same thing happen to it? There are plenty of things that can break boot.