Unions protestors should wear MAGA hats and swastika shirts. The police would freeze with confusion. They might even instinctively provide protection. Protecting capital is their job. Nazi shit is their passion.
As Charlottesville showed us, cops don't actually care. They are the boot and the stick of capital. They don't xare how they are used, so long as they can exert violence with impunity.
For showing up to work and not harming people by driving through them:
The first was of Amazon driver Jogernsyn Cardenas, who says he joined the union push at the urging of his nephew but didn’t realize the strike had begun when he showed up to work today.
He stopped his van as striking co-workers shouted for him to join them. “We were surrounding the van, and we told him to get out. Come join us!” says Latrice Johnson, a driver at one of Amazon’s eight subcontractors at DBK4 (whom I interviewed about the union campaign in September). “He was listening, and he wanted to know more. And the police stopped that, and they kept telling him to keep it moving. He was saying, ‘How am I gonna go anywhere? The people are here. I can’t hit people.’”
NYPD officers swarmed Cardenas, blocking him in the cab of his van and ultimately arresting him after he attempted to leave his vehicle, over shouts of “Let him go!” from fellow workers and allies.