People simultaneously seem scared of AI automating jobs, and of there being too many old people for young people to look after as they'd be too busy with jobs. Wouldn't those cancel each other out?
I don't think anyone is worried about there being too many old people for young people to look after. I believe you're confusing that for the very serious issue, being that there won't be enough young people financially supporting social services to adequately fund them to meet the needs of the aging population. In that sense, AI automating jobs directly exacerbates the problem, because less young people working means less taxes funding things like social security and Medicare in the US.
Lol spoken from someone who has never worked in nursing homes. It's not a population issue it's a horrible job cleaning shit off old people ass. There is never enough people willing to fill that role. Source: worked as a CNA after highschool for 5 years. Used to get mandated double shifts every week because the following shift to whichever shift I would be working would be short staffed.
Of course there are enough people to fill that role-- there aren't enough people willing to fill that role for the shit pay. Increase the pay, eventually you'll hit the point where the jobs are filled
What nonsense are you going on about? I pay my taxes. I contribute to society.
Btw the local wildlife population CANT support all of us. Animals and fish will go extinct and people will starve to death and die you absolute goofball.
Oh and hunting and fishing on land our laws keep the wildlife population stable in WOULD be living off society while contributing nothing. Societies hunting and licensing laws are the only reason there's anything left to hunt or fish at all.
Enjoy jerking yourself off all day.
Edit: even native Americans nearly hunted all animals to extinction until European disease devastated their population. Native Americans had much smaller population and were far far less greedy with their hunting than your average billybob12-gauge. It's not a sustainable way to live.
AI isn't going to guarantee those young people the income the jobs it is replacing would. AI as a part of capitalism is about cutting costs, not to be beneficial to society. It may have that as a side effect, but not enough to account for the economic impact of job losses on hose impacted by those losses.
The issue isn't really "too busy with jobs", it's not having enough monetary resources to take care of a large non-working population. The fear with AI is that it will take the comfy, high paying office jobs and demote the non c-suites down to manual labor. Unless corporate taxes are increased dramatically (unlikely) many of the young working class will be stretched thin trying to pay for their parent's care.
They don't cancel out because any gains are eaten by the top 0.1%.
Losses are social; gains are private. It's all about reverting labor practices towards 1890 until we get labor riots again. This time maybe they can murder union people and laborers with tech and robots, and don't need to be as scared of the masses as they used to be.
They probably aren't the same people. I'm reminded of Rush Limbaugh's habit of pretending a group of individuals were like one illogical person - for example, "Why do women get mad when men look at them as sex objects, but they wear such revealing clothing? If you walk around practically naked, guess what - men are going to look at you! Make up your mind!!" The fallacy is when groups of people with their own individual ideas and attitudes, who don't necessarily agree with each other, are treated like they're one irrational person.
It would be possible to build a society where automation is used to provide a better life for everybody. But that is not the society we live in. Right now we're moving towards neo-feudalism, where everything belongs to a tiny ruling class and everybody else fights for scraps.
I for one cannot wait for robots to be able to do all the mundane tasks, like being a cashier or truck driver, så that people can work in sectors that produce more value per hour spent. This is just an opinion tho :)
Some people can't handle a job any more complex. I worked at a payroll firm that had low paying clients. Before that, I never really understood how many stupid people there are.
Fuck me, we went to sign up a new client and most of the people there were unable to read, struggled like hell with the online paperwork. Not saying they weren't computer literate (they weren't), they couldn't make out the words on the screen.
They wouldn't cancel each other out, because the number of young people able to take care of the aging population will still be too few. Add to that the fact that pay won't go up with automation, because it never does, and the problem is still Capitalism and its activists strangling us to death.