But either in “colloquial English for those who want to give other people aneurysms” or “colloquial English for those trying to sound smarter but aren’t”
Basically that the degree of difference between a half and a third is the same degree of difference between a half and two thirds- and that degree of difference is “one part”.
Perhaps Google's tried to make it run too cheaply - Kagi's one doesn't run unless you ask for it, and as a paid product it'll have different priorities.
Yes, and the Google AI response is correct (and quite clear) in what it says. edit: Thanks Batman. I mean that Google's understanding of the question is logical (although still the maths is wrong as you say (now I've re-read you)) and its answer explained the angle it was answering from.
However, I think the reasonable assumption for the intention behind the question is relative to a whole. I had third of a pizza, and now I have an extra sixth of a pizza. It's subtle, but that's the kind of thing AI falls down on.
Wouldn't even be surprised at this point. It seems the system is intentionally designed to discourage critical thinking and apparently knowing how to do math properly is too close for comfort now.
Someone I know had an old friend on their Facebook timeline say that schools should be reformed and don’t need classes like algebra. Then they proceeded to list fields kids could receive training for instead… and all of them required math of some sort.
Which is the same as dividing a whole into 3 and adding two together.
It's trying to get there, but it seems to think you're talking about starting with 50% and increasing that by 1/3 of the existing half.
It interpreted what you typed as something like:
Solve for:
And gave you 66.666...%
But you could also just get a calculator and type 50 - 33.33333
I don't know why anyone would Google this question in a search engine, AI is dumb enough without trying to phrase things in a way that you think it says something stupid.
Like, did you legitimately Google it that way in an attempt find out the difference between half and a third?
It’s trying to get there, but it seems to think you’re talking about starting with 50% and increasing that by 1/3 of the existing half.
Yeah, it's definitely trying something. But it's also showing the problems with LLM.
Like, did you legitimately Google it that way in an attempt find out the difference between half and a third?
I remember being able to put basic math problems into Google and it spit out the correct answer. But you're right, that's entirely on me for expecting Google to work right after all the enshitification. For the record, Wolfram Alpha gave the correct answer.
LLMs predict statistical likelihoods of words coming next. Them not being able to do math, unless explicitly given extra instructions to identify and do those problems, has been reported before, IIRC.