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Deebster Deebster

New account since went down, other @Deebsters are available.

Posts 31
Comments 653
French rail lines disrupted by ‘coordinated sabotage’ ahead of Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony
  • Where are you getting that from? The article you're commenting on say otherwise:

    France’s state railways company SNCF called the overnight disruption a “massive attack aimed at paralyzing the high-speed line network.”

    Similar article from The Standard

    They were focused on the TGV high speed train network which covers the whole of France, and which is particularly busy at this time of year.

    Eurostar’s Brussels-Lille-London trains are not affected.

  • First move in No Win No Fee action against River Wye pollution
  • Downvoted as this is an ad for the solicitors, although I am happy to hear about people fighting for water quality.

  • Match thread: Olympics day 1
  • Some great rugby today with some beautiful offloads. NZL RZA game was particularly fun.

  • Conversing with Mathematicians
  • When all you have is an imaginary hammer, everything looks like a rotation around the imaginary unit circle.

    Explanation of maths

    x = -10, i = √-1 so i² = -1 and 10i²=-10

  • Humble Games confirms layoffs amid 'restructuring', denies full shutdown | Old Title: Humble Bundle shuts down game publishing label
  • Update: Humble has now provided a statement saying Humble Games hasn't been shut down, but just restructured.

  • Software to look for Duplicates
  • Do you want something that runs on your NAS or from another computer? What OS(es) are you using?

  • Google is finally shutting down its link shortener after killing it off years ago
  • I'm thinking more like using a CMS or Wordpress by people who don't consider themselves developers.

  • Mounting home demolitions and settler attacks plunge a Palestinian village into crisis
  • In another video [...], young settlers are seen tampering with the village’s water pipes as soldiers look on. The military said soldiers helped repair the pipe soon after.

    They just let it happen but cared enough to fix it afterwards? This is the kind of excuse I'd expect from an eight-year old.

  • Cool guide to boiling a larger sized egg
  • Also, is this starting from refrigerated eggs (USA-style) or room temperature (everyone's else)? I assume this makes less of a difference with your second method.

  • Google is finally shutting down its link shortener after killing it off years ago
  • I wouldn't be surprised if there's some service that gave out shortened links by default and people just used those everywhere. Lots of people are clueless about how URLs work, and authoring HTML often means filling in a form.

  • Republicans wear ear bandages in 'solidarity' with Trump
  • Reminds me of when courtiers would flatter their king. King too fat to do up his buttons? Undone buttons is now the fashion. King going bald? Everyone shaves their head.

  • Webflow says 2TB of bandwidth is worth $1,250 per month
  • [The customer] said that Webflow’s sales representatives were uncooperative when asked for more details. He quoted a sales rep saying, “No because you’ll tweet about it.”

    Wow, that says a lot about how Webflow views its own policies.

  • xkcd #2960: Organ Meanings
  • A metaphorical tongue-lashing is speaking harshly and critically, but it could easily be misunderstood as referring to cunnilingus.

  • xkcd #2960: Organ Meanings
  • When I saw how low tongue was, I thought surely not, what about "she gave me a good tongue-lashing". I then thought about it for a microsecond more and realised the ranking's probably correct.

  • How far should a programming language aware diff go?
  • I'd agree, for the same reasons. Communicating intent is definitely one of the main things that separates mediocre from amazing developers (and software can't check that).

    It's interesting to consider a tool that does all of levels 1-3 (and more) as a way to verify that a style refactoring hasn't changed logic. I assume that's what they meant when they wrote "modifications that were supposed to be no-ops but aren’t".

  • A cool guide to styling a ponytail 👧
  • The original is in Chinese, and the translation's worse than Google Translate managed when I just my point my phone at the screen.

  • A Word About Private Attribution in Firefox
  • Or perhaps we just have different opinions.

  • SolarPunk Cities: Our Last Hope?

    Piped mirror:

    This channel is about architecture, and this video (from Nov 2023\*) is about Solar Punk and covers some of the history and real-life attempts.

    I was amused that shortly after talking about Solar Punk's rejection of consumerism she did the sponsor section, but that's Youtube for you.

    \* it's been posted elsewhere on Lemmy but not here that I can see


    xkcd #2942: Fluid Speech

    cross-posted from:

    > xkcd \#2942: Fluid Speech > > > > for \#2942 > > Alt text: > > Thank you to linguist Gretchen McCulloch for teaching me about phonetic assimilation, and for teaching me that if you stand around in public reading texts from a linguist and murmuring example phrases to yourself, people will eventually ask if you're okay.


    xkcd #2942: Fluid Speech

    xkcd \#2942: Fluid Speech for \#2942

    Alt text: > Thank you to linguist Gretchen McCulloch for teaching me about phonetic assimilation, and for teaching me that if you stand around in public reading texts from a linguist and murmuring example phrases to yourself, people will eventually ask if you're okay.


    Raccoon cuisine


    xkcd #2937: Room Code

    Alt text:

    > Sorry to make you memorize this random string of digits. If it helps, it can also double as a mnemonic for remembering your young relatives' birthdays, if they happened to have been born on February 5th, 2018.


    Accents and pranks - an interview with Peter Jurasik & Wortham Krimmer

    While curious about the Centauri accent, I found this 2001 interview with Peter Jurasik (Londo Mollari) and Wortham Krimmer (Cartagia).

    > The quick story about the accent, if I can tell you how I patchworked it together, is I was doing a play downtown, a Tennessee Williams play, and I worked really hard on a Memphis accent. I felt like I had really nailed it. But one L.A. critic nailed me and said, "That’s a terrible Memphis accent. That doesn’t sound like a Southern accent." I was really hurt. About that time was when "The Gathering," the pilot, showed up. I called Joe and said, "What do you want me to sound like?" He said, "Let him sound like whatever you want," so I purposely took a couple of different things. There’s a character who plays the parole officer in A Clockwork Orange, the guy who’s always saying, "And night-time is the best time, um, yes?" I took my Czechoslovakian grandmother. I had spent three consecutive summers in Ireland. I didn’t always take sounds; I took rhythms. Londo had a kind of musical thing.

    The whole thing's worth a read, they seemed to be having fun.

    Photography Deebster

    The Frigatebird and the Diamond Ring

    This is "The Frigatebird and the Diamond Ring" by Liron Gertsman, shot on a Canon EOS R5.


    Article: How a Photographer Captured His Spectacular Dream Eclipse Photo (lots more pictures here)


    Chechnya bans music that is too fast or too slow Chechnya bans dance music that is either too fast or too slow

    Ruling means music in Russian republic must ‘conform to Chechen mentality and sense of rhythm’

    Chechnya bans dance music that is either too fast or too slow
    • Chechnya officials have banned music deemed too fast or slow, restricting compositions to a tempo of 80-116 BPM.
    • Minister of Culture Musa Dadayev announced the decision at a meeting, as reported by TASS.
    • The ban affects all musical, vocal, and choreographic compositions in the Russian Republic of Chechnya.

    Chechnya is a republic of Russia since losing the Second Chechen War but this means that the Russian national anthem, at just 76 BPM, is also banned.


    The Internet Archive Just Backed Up an Entire Caribbean Island

    Original URL:


    This year's (belated) April Fool's XKCD is written in

    This year's (belated, as is tradition) April Fool's XKCD is written in the physics engine.

    It's like The Incredible Machine, but each person can contribute a cell towards the larger machine.


    Abandoned industrial building 2/8

    cross-posted from:

    > Abandoned industrial building 2/8


    Taskmaster Series 17 starts on the 28th (or 29th online)

    > Brand new #Taskmaster starts 28th March on Channel 4 and 29th March outside the UK on YouTube.

    From this teaser (Youtube short):

    Contestants: Joanne McNally, John Robins, Nick Mohammed, Sophie Willan, and Steve Pemberton.

    I'm hoping they have musical tasks to allow Nick Mohammed to shine. I still can't hear the Jurassic Park theme without singing along with his words.

    7 Isolated for six months, scientists in Antarctica began to develop their own accent

    Isolated for six months one winter, a group of scientists changed how they spoke.

    Isolated for six months, scientists in Antarctica began to develop their own accent

    > they were taking part in an unusual experiment, which involved tracking their own voices over time. This was done by making 10-minute recordings every few weeks. They would sit in front of a microphone and repeat the same 29 words as they appeared on a computer screen. Food. Coffee. Hid. Airflow.

    > One of those changes was the "ou" sound in words such as "flow" and "sew" that shifted towards the front of the vocal tract.

    I'm not actually sure what sound change they're describing there. Can anyone explain with examples or IPA?

    edit: Cheers for the answers (turns out I misunderstood which part is the vocal tract)


    Half of British Television Always Starts Like This



    Is there any good news about climate change? Yes. Simon Clark — Is there any good news about climate change?

    Yes there is a lot of bad news around the climate crisis. But let's talk about the victories, and why there is no argument for despair.

    Simon Clark — Is there any good news about climate change?


    I posted a comment with the message "Don’t let doomscrolling lead you into despair and apathy over climate" and got a fair few downvotes, so I thought this was worth sharing.

    YouTube version:


    xkcd #2896: Crossword Constructors

    Alt text:

    > Also, we would really appreciate it if you could prominently refer to it as an 'eHit'.


    The English words “wheel” and “rickshaw” are extraordinary cognates

    Movies and TV Shows Deebster

    Top Gun: Maverick Director Addresses That Grim Fan Theory

    Director Joseph Kosinski says:

    > "The original version of the script we actually followed Maverick in his freefall back to Earth, which would have I guess debunked that theory," Kosinski told Happy Sad Confused's Josh Horowitz. "It was a pretty spectacular sequence imagining what it's like to reenter from space in your spacesuit."

    > "I love it. Film is meant to be interpreted. I love that there's multiple ways to read it. It's, you know, hopefully it's a piece of art meant to be interpreted, and I love people reading those things into it. It's like The Big Lebowski Theory that Johnny's not really there so, no, I welcome that," he said."

    Home Automation Deebster Haier hits Home Assistant plugin dev with takedown notice

    Appliances giant Haier reportedly issued a takedown notice to a software developer for creating Home Assistant integration plugins for the company's home appliances and releasing them on GitHub.

    Haier hits Home Assistant plugin dev with takedown notice

    cross-posted from:

    > I'm not really big on "let's make a movement", but this independent dev has been hit with a cease-and-desist from making a FOSS Home Assistant addon for their Haier air conditioners. > > Haier claims that they are losing out on millions of dollars due to this plugin which... lets you control their air conditions from home assistant. They haven't bothered to explain how that's possibly worth millions of dollars - they're just claiming it. > > So of course they hit the Streisand button and are demanding that he takes it down. He of course is complying... in a couple of days. Maybe you see where this is going. > > It would be an absolute shame if any of you just happened to create a fork, or clone the code, or mirror it in your own instance. An absolute shame. > > Just so everyone here knows which repositories NOT to clone or fork, here are the two links: > > - > - > > and please, don't repost this anywhere, or share it in other communities, or anything like that. It's a shame that so many people already know and are making clones. I'm just letting you know so you don't do anything like telling others who may make their own copies. > > (sidenote: Haier owns GE Appliance, so for our American folks it may affect you folks too)


    Taskmaster Champion of Champions 3 is on tonight! Taskmaster Champion of Champions 3 broadcast date, contestants and past winners

    The hit comedy show is back for a on-off special featuring some very familiar faces.

    Taskmaster Champion of Champions 3 broadcast date, contestants and past winners

    Spoilers for previous seasons, I guess:


    • Dara Ó Briain
    • Morgana Robinson
    • Sarah Kendall
    • Kiell Smith-Bynoe (standing in for Mae Martin)
    • Sophie Duker