You totally just know the demon he's talking about was a succubi, and that's totally him trying to explain to his wife why he can get off in his dreams but not with her.
“Let me ask you this,” he said. “What was the moment we can point to that nuclear technology was invented? I’ve never met a person who can isolate the moment where nuclear technology became known to man. German scientists in the 1930s? Really? Name the date?”
“It’s very clear to me that these [nuclear weapons] are demonic,” Carlson added.
Well, there’s the wikipedia article about the discovery of nuclear fission. I mean, you could read that, or trust this one guy at work who says that “wikipedia is all lies”. Yes, that’s word-for-word what he told me when we were discussing GMOs, so I guess the same applies to nuclear fission too.
Carlson is a pathological liar who has burned all his "normal" options for income, so the only stream of revenue left is the conspiracy nut jobs. He has started drilling into the Alex Jones type follower crowd, to grift them. No more, no less. He's not more insane than he was, he is just pandering to a more lunatic crowd now.
We already know humans are demonic. We're the closest things to God and Satan, after all. Especially since neither actually exist outside some ancient fairytale books about them.
Carlson isn't smart enough to pimp for coal or oil or by saying they were "sent by God." He could grift a little money that way. But Tucker's cheese slid off his cracker a long time ago.
And anyone stupid enough to believe this nonsense should have a decomissioned nuclear reactor set up in their village square. Then, they can all stand around it and beat it with sticks to "drive out the demons". Win-win for everybody. It gives them something to do, where they're not making life miserable for everyone else, and it gives us a place to store our nuclear waste.
Nuclear weapons are demonic, there’s no upside to them at all, and anyone who claims otherwise is either ignorant or doing the bidding of the forces that created nuclear technology in the first place, which were not human forces obviously
It’s very clear to me that these [nuclear weapons] are demonic