The other side of this would be a pretty good Chief O'Brian at Work comic.
"Oh g'morning kitty, one to beam down?"
beams kitty, smiles
comm beep
Meow meow meow
"Oh uh, yes sir, didn't realize you outrank me, no sir. Yes sir, one to beam up"
beams kitty up
kitty stares at Chief
"Ah, yessir, one to beam down."
comm beeps, Chief frowns
29 0 ReplyChief has finally something to do. Chief is happy.
19 0 ReplyChief should have just gotten a dog lol. Bonus: train him to poop on the pad so you can just beam the shit into space.
5 0 Reply
And one panel of Data confused that his genetic analysis of the father of Spot’s kittens does not match any cat onboard the enterprise.
4 0 Reply
I'm gonna knock that pattern buffer off the table
14 0 ReplyI wonder what a Caitian on the Enterprise would think about Data having Spot as a pet?
Would they feel like we do now about people who keep apes or monkeys as pets?
12 0 ReplyJealous. They're living the life.
6 0 ReplyCaitians are too busy arguing with the computer about how to get all the automatic doors to stop closing after they walk through them. "Leave it open, dammit!"
3 0 ReplyI would hope the "sentience" they show in comparison would have an impact on how they saw it. Would maybe demand some reforms on ownership guidelines and forced breeding mutations ?
2 0 Reply
“Okay, Spot #47, back into the buffer you go.”
12 0 Reply10 0 Reply....and up again. Now, have any food? That was exhausting and I need my energy to go again.
6 0 Reply5 0 ReplyNatural choice for the red shirt too since he's got 8 lives more than most.
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