A new report reveals that operatives with Republican ties are trying to help Cornel West get on the ballot.
”This helps take away votes from Joe Biden,” the activist told one person at the rally, according to a video posted to X (formerly Twitter) by a Washington Post reporter. “We’re helping the Trump team who’s trying to get him on there,” added a woman by his side.
I'm a progressive. I like it when he debates a moron. He's good at making an argument, and he's not wrong about a lot of progressive issues.
But he strikes me as a diva more than a leader. He seems to want to be in the spotlight, and is willing to say something mildly unpopular with the most offensive spin possible. The only reason to do that is for attention. You won't convince people you're right with incendiary rhetoric, and it makes it much easier for conservatives and centrists to paint socialists as cranks.
He's like the anti-Walter Sobchak. He's not wrong, he's just an asshole. He's also often wrong, but that's not how the line goes. Would Libertarians like Walter if he ran for president? I dunno, libertarians are all cranks so maybe they would.
Anyway, I don't mind West running now to raise issues, but I wouldn't vote for him in this election and I don't know anyone else who will. He's not siphoning support from Biden, because any reasonable progressive is voting against Trump.
You'll note I said 'like' in favor of 'vote'... Obviously we need to be voting to defeat trump, and I doubt any credible progressive is going to be not recognizing that.
but can I ask who, if that wasn't an issue, would you like? Or maybe better way of saying it. If we had ranked choice or similar voting system... who'd be your first pick?
As a person? He's a great guy and PHENOMENALLY intelligent. He did the "Philosopher's Commentary" on the Matrix films, which is worth a listen.
He shouldn't be running for President though. ;)
Last I looked he was on the ballot in 6 states? It's 5 months to election day, if you're racing to get on the ballot at this point, your campaign is over. Pack it up.
Good question. I think a large part of the problem is there's not a lot of progressive candidates getting out of the state level. Without party endorsements, it's hard to get to any kind of national recognition sufficient to be a candidate.
and lets be honest, the DNC has actively been squashing any attempt at developing candidates who aren't kowtowing to the status quo. even just being not-a-boomer is enough to make it hard.
Several of the people I've personally liked and thought were progressives turned out to be assholes.
I like Bernie. Warren. I can name a few others, but really don't know enough about them to say if I like them or not. and that's a large part of the problem. Even if we ignore the progressive label... outside of a small handful of people, nobody really has the name recognition. and at this point I assume that's intentional to keep candidates like Biden and Hilary... relevant.
I know nothing about the guy, but I just skimmed over about 30 minutes of this and I can't tell what the hell he's talking about. As far as I can tell he's just talking in a funny cadence and listing people he really likes and from time to time touching real lightly on the idea that America does bad things sometimes.
Contrast that with (I just picked a random video from Youtube) Fred Hampton talking for 5 minutes and making simple, coherent, powerful points (among them hilariously enough being "we gonna have to do more than talk.")
I'm not trying to sit in judgement of West just because I watched one talk and didn't get anything from it. But I watched one talk and I didn't get anything from it. Does anyone have like a little TL;DR on what Cornel West believes and wants to make happen in the country?
I suspect West is running as a protest vote against both parties, with a series of principles around his run focusing less into a platform and more into statement for consideration. The dude is a brilliant community organizer and thinker, but not a politician at heart.
I assumed a lot of folks would perceive his run in this way.
“Instead of helping keep America from falling into the hands of a wannabe-dictator, let’s suggest everyone do everything possible to allow America to fall into the hands of a wannabe-dictator.”
~ Leftists.
By the way. Didn’t you say you weren’t going to post here anymore after accusing the mods of being Zionist genocide supporters in another thread?