I'm pretty sure killing animals simply for the pleasure of killing them is a bad sign.
Found the guy who's never dealt with a goose
the goose will murder you and your family without batting an eye, they're like lake devils
No one said anything about killing.
Good thing they didn’t say Canada goose than, non need for a fight.
"I do not like the cobra chicken."
Why do we seem to value some animals more than others? What if he said "strangle a puppy?"
Cuz puppies ain't got that big ol' neck
because time and evolution
in some parts of the globe, we've grown to use dogs for tasks such as herding sheeps
in other parts we used to have animals such cats as tokens of good luck or as "oracles", depending on their mood
with that in mind, some animals are more ingrained in our general society as companions rather than food
if you get a newborn and never teach the "companionship" of dogs and cats, they will grow to consider them as food just like all the other animals
there are tribes in africa and other locations, that eat dogs/cats just fine, and if I HAD to, I'd totally eat It too
Geese are mean, puppies are cute.
I kicked one in the face once. It was glorious.
Bruh... your username. Just perfect for this post.