Poser racists think all Asian people are Chinese, all Hispanic people are Mexican, and all Black people are African. Professional racists can identify your home region by the minute traits that they loath about you.
"The slight trill in their accent and the width of the bridge of their nose tells me that they are from the Cassidian Provence of Blahgistan just north of the Arno Mountain range... bloody Cassidians taking our jobs!"
It's like a regional version of "better a heathen than a heretic"
As an American, in Tennessee, I don't understand it. It's not like the Brits have to deal with fucking Kentuckians, the cousin banging weirdos. Why do they hate on their neighbors so much? I mean, I have to live next door to yankee posers who fuck their sisters and made meth the state bird. And you don't see me hating on the neighbors like that!
Scousers' opinion of people from Sefton, Knowsley, St Helens: yeah, sound, bit odd but whatever. Scousers' opinion of people from the Wirral: plazzy Scousers, the dark side, woollybacks... It must be something to do with rivers.
It's more sibling rivalry than hate. It's far more terrifying. It gets even more so when something actually threatens either one. Anyone who's seen the result of picking on the youngest of 3 brothers knows exactly what I mean.
"I can see that the hair has split ends so we can narrow it down to 45 degrees of the equator, that hair clip that has 3 black stripes in the middle so that means we can narrow it down to Southeast Pennsylvania. Actually that scar looks like it was made from the fence surrounding the Walmart on Driver Road..."