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sorrybookbroke sorrybookbroke

Sorry, book broke

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Rust for Lemmings Reading Club Week 23

Welcome to week 23 of Reading Club for Rust’s “The Book” (“The Rust Programming Language”).

“The Reading”

Chapter 15 continued: The Book: (the special Brown University version with quizzes etc)

The Twitch Stream

Starting today within the half hour @[email protected] twitch stream on this chapter: (YouTube Playlist)

Be sure to catch future streams (will/should be weekly:

Mushroom Guides
  • don't eat it if it bruises blue

    Or do if you're up for an interesting time and it passes the test above. Eat about three grams for some nice sights and 6 before sitting in a dark, cool room to meet something unknown

  • Looking for games that feel like a summer adventure
  • Likely in the ok-ish section but Celeste has that vibe going for it

  • SUSE Requests openSUSE to Rebrand
  • This is a massive miss-play on Suse's part. Essentially all the good will, and recognition I have for Suse is based on OpenSuse. It's the reason many of the places I've worked at now run a Suse product instead of redhat. Seriously, when I think of OpenSuse and Suse as a whole I barely differentiate the toonunlike redhat and fedora. That's likely the reason for the switch but I cannot see how-this does anything but benefit them.

    From the article too there are some concerns. Suse is, admittedly, trying to cause opensuse to change direction ans managment to further suit it's buisness at threat of removing support. This is sad to see.

  • Help me choosing laptop
  • I can suggest looking into what system76 has to offer, or slimbook if a European retailer is important. Both should have plenty of options in your range and system76 comes with PopOS pre-installed a good rolling release distro

  • `::<>` ... the story of the turbofish in rust
  • It's been a bit but I would like to thank you for this post. That's a very interesting read, I always love to get a glimpse at why things are howbthey are in a language.

    I still don't see a fish though. For this I am ashamed

  • Rust for lemmings reading club stream canceled this week.

    I'll be clear, quite embarrassingly I bit my tongue hard last night and haven't been talking right all day. Hurts to talk, hurts to eat, and worst of all hot tea is undrinkable. How will I live. Now I know exactly what it feels like to be soldier wounded in combat.

    Will resume next week in full force. In the meantime however please feel free to read ahead. Or, alternatively, try out a few leetcode\advent of code questions. This what I'll be doing tonight.

    How transwomen/transmen dream
  • I'm not sure I agree with the premise. I'm cis and constantly dream from the perspective of a woman.

    A lot of the time I'm just not myself, or am a different "myself'

  • Linux 6.10 released
  • Aww, it's always sad to see a real one go. You'll always be in my mind linux 6.9.x (nice)

  • Silly Rule
  • Atlas uwu'd

  • Serving Age now
  • You are an idiot my friend. You come in to insult and angrily refute a person making a joke with idiodic assertions.

    This is new, the age of our representatives has been getting older and older as time goes on.

    One, at the time outlier, example does not change this.

    The average age of our house of representatives has seen a massive increase since 2000. A huge upward spike. This has been continual, but the rapid increase is new.

    The reality is clear boy, but you come in here to sound smart and feel superior.

    Also, they don't claim it's new, other than the age which has been increasing for years in fact being older than it was before

    They said nothing about biden either freak

  • Not a single video wants to be played. · Issue #11255 · TeamNewPipe/NewPipe
  • The people who-would shift away are users, not creators and currently the major issue with peertube is lack of content. Along with the fact that finding an instance which allows for signups and is federated with good, discoverable content is impossible currently.

    I keep trying though and eventually I'm sure I'll be able to switch

  • He's not wrong
  • My boi dedicated his life to killing insane invaders who kill randomly because his ex girl became one after they broke up. After he tried to kill her and she slayed his ass he's like "Nah, you know what, imma just give my earthly flesh to an all consuming outer god who'll end all existence man"

  • Rice and beans
  • God dahm that looks amazing. What're the greens out of curiosity? Looks like kale, but I am terrible at plant identification

  • Nexus Mods asking for Stardew Valley players to test new Mod Manager -- Linux Included
  • I've personally had no issues with the latest version of MO2 distributed on nexus when modding skyrim

  • Team Fortress 2's player count doubles after fan pressure sees Valve step in with a bot-demolishing banwave and a firm line on appeals: 'No'
  • I've been erroneously banned from CS2 twice, with no reason given. Both times I've been unbanned after appealing. I have no doubt if I were active on t2 they would have banned me. This only happened once I started using linux too, particularly when I started using dev versions of software.

    I strongly doubt they've only gotten bots on this

    Edit: clarity

  • Hammer and firing pin
  • Sub sonic ammunition? Holy hell man that shit's basically silent. Tactile as fuck

  • Coreboot Progress - Update on the AMD board

    Saw this a bit ago but didn't think to post about it

    To be clear, this doesn't mean coreboot is available now and what is working for devs includes quite a few binary blobs. It's still progress though and good to see.

    It's been 5 months but you did ask me to inform you of anything happening @[email protected]

    Another link from that article shares more info:

    More info tends to be posted here:


    Lemmy is weird somethimes, and that's a rule


    Barside ally meet (digital)

    Created a while ago from a DnD session where the PC's were stalking a leonin man meeting some friends in a shifty alley, beside a bar using krita along with it's perspective tools. Using Muses brush pack, I'll send a link if requested. Very nice pencil and charcoal brushes.


    Rust For Lemmings - Code Together Stream

    This acts as a reminder that tomorrow Tuesday the 13th at 6:30 EST will be our second meeting, though you're welcome if it's your first time all the same. We'll be discussing what we've learned since last week, what we're doing this week coming, and reading the next two parts of The Book together. Along with that, we'll talk about a new (secondary and optional) stream possibly on Thursdays at the same time going through advent of code together in order to learn rust through code.

    Hope to see you all there tomorrow but as always, the Vod will be available afterwards at the youtube channel listed in our Project Portal here:


    Rust For Lemmings - Code Together Stream

    Streamed Code Together

    A streamed reading club focused on rust's The Book and becoming reasonably good rust developers through community collaboration. The end goal is to read the lemmy codebase and contribute to the platform we all love. This stream will serve as a club meeting where we read some of the content together, discuss previous topics, and write some code.

    Anybody's welcome, whether you want to continue once we get to the code base or not. If you're completely new to rust this is a great place to start and if you already know the language we'd love to have you all the more. At the very least it's a good networking opportunity but you'll likely learn more than you thought.

    Post Stream

    After the stream, a discussion post will be made to This Community stating what we've gone over and what we're planing to read/code/do before the next stream. This will act as a place to talk about what you've learned, what issues you're having, how your post-stream learning is going, and to help your fellow lemmings. I strongly encourage posting a comment even if everything you've stated has already been said.


    We will meet weekly at 6:30pm EST (New York Time) on Tuesday with a maximum length of two hours.


    For now, the host will be myself however if you're interested in hosting or co-hosting yourself please feel free to message me about this especially if you can stream at a time where people in a European or Asian timezone can join in.

    Missed the stream?

    A video will be available on youtube so you can watch at a later point and a discussion post will be posted here weekly which states what we've gone over and what we're going to do before the next stream.


    The weekly stream will be hosted on twitch with that site being our main chatroom. Vods will be available on Youtube after the stream along with a mildly edited version for those who couldn't join in but still want to keep up


    Youtube Playlist:

    Our Learning Rust and Lemmy Community: [email protected]

    Original Post:


    Rust For Lemmings - Code Together | "The Rust Programming Language" book club meeting on twitch

    cross-posted from:

    > ## The concept > A streamed reading club focused on rusts The Book and becoming reasonably good rust developers through community collaboration. If you're interested, please comment so we know this's something you'd like to join in on. > > ## A Begining > To begin, I'll be setting up a twitch stream where we read through the book together and solve some problems together related to the concepts provided. We'll be able to collaborate in chat, and talk about it here after each stream. This way, we'll be able to lean on each other or just hang out while we learn the language Lemmy uses for it's backend. Other hosts will be welcome as the end goal is to create a group of people whose goal is to support our collective growth as developers > > Anybodies welcome of any skill set, whether or not they want to continue on once we get to lemmys code base. If you're completely new to rust this is a great place to start and if you already know the language we'd love to have you all the more. At the very least it's a good networking opportunity but you'll likely learn more than you thought. > > ## Timing > Please comment your availability so we can find the best time and day to do this. As a stand-in and default though, 6:30pm EST (New York Time) on tuesday will be the start time. I'd be available on most days myself after 5pm Eastern Time (new york) though so don't hesitate to suggest another time/date. > > ## Where? > For now, I'll be streaming this on a twitch channel I created a bit ago but never used. The link is here: > > Thank you @[email protected] for the idea.


    Got That Randell Thymes Career Path


    Rust For Lemmings - Code Together

    The concept

    A streamed reading club focused on rusts The Book and becoming reasonably good rust developers through community collaboration. If you're interested, please comment so we know this's something you'd like to join in on.

    A Begining

    To begin, I'll be setting up a twitch stream where we read through the book together and solve some problems together related to the concepts provided. We'll be able to collaborate in chat, and talk about it here after each stream. This way, we'll be able to lean on each other or just hang out while we learn the language Lemmy uses for it's backend. Other hosts will be welcome as the end goal is to create a group of people whose goal is to support our collective growth as developers

    Anybodies welcome of any skill set, whether or not they want to continue on once we get to lemmys code base. If you're completely new to rust this is a great place to start and if you already know the language we'd love to have you all the more. At the very least it's a good networking opportunity but you'll likely learn more than you thought.


    Please comment your availability so we can find the best time and day to do this. As a stand-in and default though, 6:30pm EST (New York Time) on tuesday will be the start time. I'd be available on most days myself after 5pm Eastern Time (new york) though so don't hesitate to suggest another time/date.


    For now, I'll be streaming this on a twitch channel I created a bit ago but never used. The link is here:

    Thank you @[email protected] for the idea.


    Mother hog displaying the youth


    Happy littke hedge puppies


    Experiances finding a group on the fediverse

    I've been trying for a bit to get together a group or find one to join here with no success. I've posted in two communities here on lemmy, replied to a few peoples posts, and each time it seems that I and the others don't get enough people together to start a game.

    My question is towards others experiance in the fediverse with getting together a group as a DM or a player.

    Have you been able to do so?

    If so, what's your experiance been? Where did you find success?

    Is mastadon or another service a better place to look?

    Any experiance or story is appreciated.

    Alternatively, if you've been looking yourself and have had the same experiance, I'd love to have you at my table. I am in the EST timezone though


    The Military (rule)s


    What the fuck have they taken from us

    Michael Jackson was apparently removed from CS2. This is a sad day


    This Morning Cemented My Love for KDE Plasma

    It is 5 am, I have not slept tonight, but what I have done makes me very happy.

    It was too easy and took no coding. Even though I'm a professional programmer I was not excited to learn qt and hate c++ with a passion. I did not need to. Seriously, it is my belief that anyone could have done this if they really wanted to

    The Problem

    I've not been able to find a theme which lets me have small floating panels and a nice brownish colour profile. All the brown themes I've liked have a massive border radius in the floating panels, and thus my two panel layout takes up an absurd amount of space. 64 pixels in total, though it seems a bit larger to me. Maybe that doesn't account for the bottom empty space.

    Fixing It

    I knew at this point I'd have to learn a bit about plasma theming in order to get what I wanted, and had been procrastinating for about a month. Tonight, I could not sleep, so around 2 I decided to try it out. I started online and found nothing on my specific problem, with people suggesting I just "try another theme". Perhaps I was googling wrong, but no useful information there. went back in to the settings though and found the edit button on the plasma theme section. Right there were all the SVGs needed to alter the theme and a nice button to get to the directory where it was all housed.

    I searched up panel, found three images, and tried something incredibly dumb. I just yeeted them into inkscape, made the borders on each image smaller, and changed my theme away and back. Fantastic, now the corners are smaller and I can shrink my panels to a reasonable size. It took about 15 minutes in total. To be fair, each corner was it's own path and I had to do this 4 times and be cautious of some shadowing but I seriously think anyone could have gotten this done. Fuck man, the theme I'm using is distributed under the GPL. That's place is wild.


    Plasma is built for people who want to change their experience and I love the devs for that. At this point I'd be surprised if I found something I couldn't do. If you're curious, here's the finished product. It'll take some more work with a colour picker to get the sliders the right way but for now this is fantastic


    LFG sorrybookbroke

    LFP - EDT - 5E - Online - Assault on gumdrop mountain - 5th level

    Hey everyone, didn't see any posts here so I've decided to make my own. Haven't DM'd in a while but if I can get 3-5 people together I'd love to do a one shot.

    We'll be playing:

    Assault On Gumdrop Mountain: A Drug-Fueled Adventure for 5th Edition


    A group of adventurers have been hired to climb a mountain of filth which has recently came into being, find out why, and hopefully put an end to this occurrence. In order to withstand the horror an alchemist has created a potent hallucinogen which turns the abhorrent into adorable, and sweet. Vast quantities of blood turn into orange soda lakes, flocks of maggots turn into red licorice bits, fecal fungus into cotton candy tufts, the ever present aroma of decaying corpses turns into a delicate sweet scent of pastries and jam, and black licorice turns red. The disgusting turned delicious. This makes the climb tolerable as the sights and scents are masked by this delicious delusion.


    This will be a fifth level adventure ran for adults using discord and owl bear rodeo. It'll likely take two sessions, and will likely be starting in two to three weeks. Once we get the players we will discuss date and time, likely a weekend after 6 EDT however. No racism, homophobia, etc. will be tolerated

    This will not be a sexual game and I as the DM will not flirt with you as an NPC. All attempts will be shot down quickly, and harshly.

    Homebrew must be vetted first but any official book is ok with me.Tashas, Unearthed arcana, etc. are all allowed


    I'd like you to comment or message me your age, a little about you, experience (none required), character concept, what you like in a game, and favourite DND moment (if any)

    Example: Hi, I'm sorrybookbroke a 23 year old Canadian guy. I've played DND for about 7 years, dming for quite a bit of that. I'm thinking of playing an artificer goblin named Ted. Ted does not know he is a goblin, and ignores all who try to explain this to him. In a game I like a fair amount of role play between characters with a healthy dose of combat.

    (To clarify, I will only be dming, there will be no dmpc)


    Compiler.nvim - Compile and run your files from inside neovim.

    Zeioth has created a fantastic plugin for those of you looking to make Neovim more like an IDE. Run the open command, tell it to build, have it compile, execute, and output your code in a really nice looking way all inside neovim.

    It's still pretty early but this is looking promising. It's already very customizable with support for a few languages, with more in the works.

    Give it a look:



    Does anyone like the Floating panel holes?

    When an application is maximized, the panel de-floats, but the sides remain empty. I understand that this is likely hard to implement differently, but mac also does this, and I wanted to know if anyone likes their floating panels to be so holey?

    Personally, I'd like to get my holes filled. sadly it's not possible for many linux users


    Helpful Annotations Rule
