This is an edited tweet, but the timestamp is from March 2022, which was shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine. I think gas prices did go up at that point, but it was still idiotic for conservatives to blame Democrats in the United States for the economic fallout of a war in another continent.
Its the fucking news media. Anything from gas to Dijon mustard is the fucking GOPs complaint and they blast that shit straight into your eye globes non stop. It's like fox sits by the grocery store check out lane and waits for the the first woman with a stack of 200+ coupons to come by to ask what their programming should be.
That's what's happening with bell peppers and giant strawberries, isn't it?
Or tomatoes. They don't deliberately grow them bigger and more watery, but they did breed them for transport and automated harvest for decades. So now we have wooden, watery tomatoes that taste of nothing.
Also for appearance, they look perfectly round and red so people buy them, instead of the retarded looking half green tomatoes from the farmers market that taste amazing.
Jokes aside this is a real instinct of great chefs - taste everything. I remember seeing a documentary with Gordon Ramsay in which he visited Middle America and investigated the drug trade.
In a scene some drug cook mixed diesel fuel with raw cocaine and Ramsay - clearly without thinking- dipped his finger in and tasted it. Instant regret, but he really couldn't help himself :)