People who've gone so far left they've come full circle and gone fascist and admire authoritarian communist regimes like China and the USSR. Like flat earthers I thought they were a made up joke until I started seeing a while bunch of unironic "Stalin did nothing wrong" type commentary.
I think a better question is "where are these tankies?" because I keep seeing people talk about them on these kinds of posts and have yet to actually see a tankie. Who here is defending the killing of POWs? You'd think they exist based on some of the posts here calling out this strawman.
Nobody wants to invade Russia. Whats absurd is that we sit around and let them invade other countries. I understand the desire to avoid escalation but if all other avenues fail there should be a willingness among free nations to boot them out swiftly and efficiently and make it clear that their dreams of empire building are done and it's time to get their house in order instead of distracting themselves with destroying others.
Basically, there's no direct laws to prosecute other countries. There's only sanctions. And since we can't pull them in front of the Hague, we are using sanctions. And with "we" I mean all of the world except for a few rogue nations like Saudi Arabia, North Korea, China, India, and a few more iirc.
While it's true that it's not the entirety of the Russian population, there's still the oligarchs, mercenaries, media outlets, the entire government body, and a fuck ton of the military, all more than happy to fuck over their ex-comrades as soon as they get the green light. I'm pretty sure that's who we mean when we generalize "Russians".
As a Latin American, this applies to Americans as well. Much love to a decent part (if not most) of the people there, but FUCK the US for fucking us all over with banana republics, neoliberalism, and red scare shenanigans, only for them to then have the galls to turn out to be xenophobic, warmongering, orangeman-loving fundamentalist pieces of shit.
Anyway, Russia, right. Fuck Putin and his greasy ball of oligarchs.