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hark hark
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I only ever used it for Pokemon, but I'm sure there were other uses.
  • Maybe the real business deals would feel more official and business like if you could employ the pull out method with them too?

  • Surprisingly motivational
  • This makes me realize that even time travelers can't change much.

  • I think the math adds up
  • Limit 1 IQ point per customer.

  • Still Got It
  • Again, Obama having all 3 for two years means he should've been able to sign a bill for reproductive rights like he said he would in the first 100 days of his term. Last time I checked, 100 days is less than two years. I'm not buying the "it's easier to stagnate or regress" point when democrats don't put much effort into blocking republicans. Also, things like not supporting genocide, which should be an easy win and is as simple as not sending weapons and funding, has instead a ton of effort put in by Biden and team to push through weapons and funding while running a PR campaign pretending they're doing anything for Palestinians while also forcefully shutting down protests.

    Democrats could've nuked the filibuster, but they didn't, because they don't want to actually fight things. They like it when they're blocked because they can pretend they're trying without the threat (to their donors) of having to actually do something. That's why magically whenever democrats get a majority, they have one or two senators turn around and block their efforts. Democrats actively fund the campaigns of such senators while primarying actually progressive candidates.

  • Still Got It
  • Biden has been president almost as long as Trump has, yet when Trump was president, we apparently were moved from merely doing okay (after EIGHT years of Obama) to being on the brink of a fascist takeover. Meanwhile within almost the same span of time under Biden, things haven't noticeably improved. I'm not asking for a time machine, I'm just saying that you need to judge a person by their actions. For the vast majority of Biden's career, he's been milquetoast or outright harmful. What makes you think he has completely reversed his ways just by becoming president?

    If you're serious about wanting to fight fascism, you're going to have to fight much more aggressively than how Biden is now, who isn't really fighting at all, just being "not Trump" (but still like Trump in some aspects, like continuing his trade war with China). On the topic of this post, Obama had two years to protect reproductive rights, he even said, while he was campaigning, that he would sign the legislation within the first 100 days in office, but he did not.

    A reminder that the bill isn't new: "The bill was introduced to the Congress in 1989, 1993,[2] 2004[3] and 2007 (H.R. 1964/S. 1173)." Given such repeated actions of pretending to push for something but then not doing it when they have the power, what makes you think democrats are willing to actually push for more permanent solutions when they can just keep using such issues as a political bargaining chip?

  • Traders see the odds of a Fed rate cut by September at 100%
  • They've been desperately begging for multiple rate cuts for a while now. I wonder how they'll react if they don't get that hit they want so badly.

  • Many Americans are still shying away from EVs despite Biden’s push, an AP-NORC/EPIC poll finds
  • What Biden push? The one where he slaps 100% tariffs on the cheapest EVs in the world so that American companies can continue charging an exorbitant premium for EVs? Sorry, the tax credit which the car companies have jacked prices up far beyond isn't enough in this scenario.

  • Has to be those frozen wind turbines and solar panels...
  • Right above the US are much greener provinces which also aren't individual countries.

  • Still Got It
  • Were "we" asleep during all eight years of Bush?

  • Still Got It
  • Increased drilling permits, massive tariffs on green energy technologies, being a critical part in creating the $1.7 trillion student loan debt problem, was one of the biggest "tough on crime" proponents who imprisoned many of those people, blocked the rail strike, and infrastructure and CHIPS bills have just been maintenance and throwing money at corporations and hoping they make things better. The credit for drug price controls goes to Bernie Sanders who has done more good as a senator than Biden has as a president.

    Him giving a bit of relief to problems he created doesn't make him good. Him throwing money at corporations doesn't make him good. Biden has done some good things, but his achievements are overstated, inflated, and are far away from what would be considered good overall.

  • Ghosted restaurants
  • This is fake but it makes me wonder if someone has used a fake profile (that is set up to be more appealing than they actually are) so they could "swoop in" by pretending to notice they were "stood up".

  • Photorealism
  • The CRT display helped.

  • Still Got It
  • In bargaining you initially overshoot so that you have room to negotiate down and you can still achieve at least some of what you want. The Freedom of Choice Act is a different situation where it's defending a right that already exists.

  • Still Got It
  • In 2008 no one expected roe to be overturned

    Why would they craft a bill to protect against that possibility if no one expected it?

  • Still Got It
  • Actually yes. Just because he clears the incredibly low bar of being better than trump, doesn't mean he's actually good.

  • Meta Reportedly Unhappy With How Much Money Its VR Division Burns
  • It felt better when VR was the hot new buzzword, right? Oh well, there's the AI division also burning money, but at least it's the current buzzword!

  • Joe Biden faces increasing pressure to quit the race, but has spent a lifetime overcoming the odds
  • He only got the job because democratic party leadership decided to coalesce around him in 2020.

  • 【#holoJustice】Onwards and upwards, innit.【hololive English】

    Not entirely sure what this is, but it was revealed during the Jackbox collab on Calli's channel. Reveal on June 18th 8:00PM PDT apparently!

    Edit: Here's the reveal video:


    CHIMERA - Takanashi Kiara (Official Music Video)


    1 Hololive Fans Swarming Akihabara Mister Donut Because of FUWAMOCO

    As a result of FUWAMOCO, Hololive Advent Vtubers Fuwawa and Mococo, posting about their Mister Donut visits, fans are heading there too.

    Hololive Fans Swarming Akihabara Mister Donut Because of FUWAMOCO

    So much power, and not even sponsored!
