This girl doesn't even know the soul-deadening reality of a post-Excel world, where "work" is just staring at a screen for hours and moving bytes around as though it has any meaning whatsoever.
Computers are manacles for labor and wealth extraction for some Capitalist.
I read "post-Excel world" as a time frame after Excel existed and then existed no more. I was briefly filled with an inexplicable hope, shattered instantly when it sank in what you actually meant.
The real silver lining of a zombie apocalypse, global EMP war, alien invasion, etc. is that humanity very quickly realizes column and row data just doesn't fucking matter. The human condition deserves better than this hollow mimicry of work to which we're being conditioned.
I wake up almost 2 hours before I need to leave for work. Initially the idea was to jog or do yoga, but it turned into laying on the sofa and drinking coffee time. I love it.