The economy hasn’t worked for the working class since the Great Recession. I’m sure the billionaire class will get what is left in communist handouts while we are all put in cutthroat facist homeless work camps because being homeless is illegal. Unless we finally fight back but I’m not going to hold my breath
This is good. Let it hit wall street too. They thought he would be amazing for them while he said exactly what he'd do. While we're eating instant ramen let their funds lose a few billion. Maybe they'll see it then.
Exactly. I want all the boomer fucks who voted for this dude and all the young people who thought this is a good idea who cosplay wolf of wall street to feel it in their wallets as much as possible. The only thing they see is the stock market
I've already seen other threads around lemmy with people saying that their 401k has dropped 17% since start of the year, that their retirement date is now pushed out 8 years.
Any threat the US Government makes henceforth has a huge asterisk beside it. This administration is disorganized on purpose, we're going to score so many own goals the next four years it's going to look like a Harlem Globetrotters game and we're the green jerseys.
Likely, disinformation. The elites want us to think the world burns while they buy our stocks and commodities. Wonder: who profits when the world markets go down? From the richies: be bold when others are meek, be afraid when others are bold.
Wasn't it reported that Warren buffet had like 60% of his wealth in cash? If that's true, Warren Buffet will profit once he buys cheap assets and then the economy recovers.