- Dating an abusive partner
- Abusive partner ruins your life
- Date a supportive reasonable partner
- Get bored with the lack of 'excitement'
"Democrats don't love us enough to tell us how ugly we are every day"
Oh don't worry, Trump is breaking this cycle. This time, no recovery will be possible and no democratic president will be elected.
Bonus points that Demo(n)crats may even cease to exist entirely (Trump says his win gives ‘mandate’ for ‘far reaching investigation’ into Democrats).
Nonsense. We fixed everything by abstaining in the election. Kamala realised she needs the support of the left in order to win, and adopted a socialist platform while moving to impeach Trump.
not every single person of the ~90 million who didn't vote "abstained" based on some high horse principles. you obviously understand that.
political news addicted leftists are a miniscule percent of that 90M which means at most a couple hundred thousand leftists might have "protest voted".
why be angry (and still keep bringing up) the actions of that subset, when you could direct your anger at actual racists and bigots that voted Trump?
i understand that it's more sneeringly smugly self satisfying to scold the former group, but you have way more in common with that subset than with the latter, who actually deserves the most scorn/ridicule. why attack potential allies when a mutual enemy is at the gates?
we need to move on already. the Dems lost, we're all in this together now.
Only if we let it happen.
It's missing the third dimension. It may look like a circle, but it's actually spiraling downwards.
America has taken it's post WW2 golden age economic boom and squandered it for unbelievably greedy short termed gains for a miniscule class of people.
My friend likes to say China is playing civ while America is shooting itself in the foot.
definitely spiraling the drain...
It's a bit like Brandolini's law, recovering from a right wing government takes way more energy and sacrifice than the energy and sacrifice needed by the right wing government to destroy everything.
Good people aren't willing to lie in order to abuse populist fears. Fear is such a powerful political motivator. That's why we have shitstains like Trump in office. Short sighted people will give up everything to feel "safe". The reality of our situtation doesn't seem to matter as much as how people feel inwardly.
"Destruction is the work of an afternoon; creation is the work of a lifetime." (Paraphrased)
"Rome wasn't built in a day, but it was burned in one."
(technically the Great Fire of Rome lasted 9 days, but '9 days' is less pithy)
One step forward two step backwards.
Except its a lot more complicated than just claiming Biden was "recovering from a right wing government" or that Biden gave "energy and sacrifice". Biden went againt the majority of this country and aided and abetted crimes against humanity. He also did some other odious stuff. Lets stop pretending the dem leadership didnt massively shit the bed for 4 years. And then Harris, amidst rock bottom awful polling about Biden's dumb policies, said she couldnt think of a isngle thing she'd change, to a whole country who wanted change. Thats not even bringing up his out of touch economic messaging and his killing of the defund and reallocate movement.
Its high time we stop lying to ourselves about what happened, or we're even more thoroughly doomed than we already are.
It's never been like what's happening now though, not even close. They're breaking this cycle in the worst way. Plus dems weren't just slow. They're straight up comatose and have their own fair share of grifters further hindering any effective counter measures.
joe biden made a huge deal about how america had made a great recovery (and honestly kudos to him that he inherited the worst possible situation and made it better) but there was something incredibly tone deaf about acting like the problem was fully fixed and everything was going great. i think he would have been better off saying "i've done this much with a narrow majority. i want to do more to help you, the person making less than $238k, live comfortably, but for that i need more support from congress and more time"
saying everything was going great just told those people struggling it was never going to get better for them. obviously falling for trump is… embarrassing since he's who made everything so awful in the first place (well not the first place. that honor goes to the establishment of a political and economic hierarchy 12k years ago), but still, joe biden opened a door for trump to come back. he opened it a little with his messaging, and opened it all the way by not doing anything to ensure any kind of consequences for doing a coup. what the fuck was everyone waiting around for? the gathering of evidence? why? we all saw it
That and the people voting for Trump had no fucking memory of how bad it was...
"We were better under Trump!"
"Really? Not knowing where your next roll of toilet paper was coming from was 'better'?"
The problem was, neither Harris nor Biden encountered having to buy black market toilet paper out of the back of a car in a parking lot so they were unable to use that in their campaigns.
Economic recovery is slow and uneven thanks to Republicans fighting and stalling every economic measure proposed in order to make Dems look bad and republicans extracting their own concessions from the Dem plan to make the plan weaker and put more money in rich people’s pockets.
And the Dem delusion, of course, that just one more compromise with the GOP will reset political relations between the parties to its pre-1990s configuration.
When Obama elected to reinflate the housing bubble rather than provide affordable housing it set the stage for biden's loss. But the modern housing bubble began with Clinton.
It continued through multiple neoliberal administrations because those people value markets over anything else.
It's almost like perpetual motion with both sides being complicit in keeping the circular motion going. Capitalism...what can you do?
We have the same cycle here in Australia with our centre-right Labor and fascist-nazi Liberal parties.
You read that right - in Australia the conservative party is called "Liberal". 1984 level lying...
Because it refers to economic liberalism.
Here in Brazil bolsonaro's party is also called "Liberal Party". Weirdly he was elected when in the Social Liberal Party.
Names don't mean anything in political discourse.
you even find that in Hitler's "national socialist" party
You read that right - in Australia the conservative party is called “Liberal”.
I mean... Everything is upside down there anyway, right?
That's actually pretty common. In most countries liberal = less taxes, which is considered at least centre right.
Obama early in trump's turn: "Trump can't fix this broken economy, he doesn't have a magic wand!"
Obama on Trump's economic performance after his first term: "Yeah, it was pretty good because it was my economy!"
Hmmm... Which is it?
Then of course Biden or whoever was actually in charge in the white house printed ~9x the US dollars in circulation, and killed all the chickens (maybe it was necessary but it sure as hell wasn't something to blame Trump for, of all people). Now every issue is Trump's fault?
And sure, tariffs are actually Trump's first big economic move, and the immediate reaction is a stock panic. But we haven't truly seen the results yet. I wonder what the new cope will be if six months later Trump got most of his demands met, the tariffs are over, and things are looking up again? Are you going to say actually it was Biden's good economy? I'd bet my life savings the answer is yes.
What are trumps demands agian?
Edit: Is there any amount of data that could show you Obamas economy trended right into trumps?
Evidence that the American electorate cannot sustain its own democracy.
You can replace this with the Union Jack and Democratic President with Labour Government and Republican President with Tory Government.
Although the current Labour government is pretty shit at making people believe they're actually trying to improve things
Yeah they've got a really communication problem.
that's an argument for the point lol