Does anyone else love a pylon photo as much as me?
Does anyone else love a pylon photo as much as me?

I love the lines they offer, this one in particular because of the different direction they go in.
Tell me I'm not alone 😂
Not usually into pylon photos, but that’s a damn good photo all the same!
2 0 ReplyThank you very much! A couple who were smoking a bifta together after riding in on an electric scooter were about 200 metres to my left 😂
1 0 Reply
I sure do here’s one of the ones I’ve taken. Also changing direction.
6 0 ReplyThey always look so majestic but with that added sense of danger 😂. My dad climbed one once in his youth, it came up often, he was very proud of it. Obviously he was thick as fuck but it's impressive nonetheless.
1 0 Reply
6 0 ReplyWe need more Pylons
3 0 ReplyYup, not alone
3 0 ReplyI'm always impressed by how arrow-straight their line-ups are
2 0 ReplyThere's an artist who took pictures at different times of day to combine them in one photo of a high voltage pylon like that, it's really cool:
Here's some coverage with photos of the work in progress and links to their page(s):
16 0 ReplyThis is fucking sick
3 1 ReplyI always love those photos but I'd need it to be summer to get one like that I think 😂
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You can hear this image if you're old enough
12 0 ReplyWithout ever seeing one before, I’m somewhat sure I require additional ones.
7 0 ReplyOf different colours
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I'm 36, I don't know what it is. Should I be embarrassed? 😂
1 0 Reply
You are not alone...
9 0 ReplyPylon cool innit
1 0 ReplyI replied pylon cool innit because the post just said pylon and didn't show the pic but that's a great pylon pic ❤️
1 0 ReplyHah! It took me about 10 attempts to get the chuffin pic inline in the post ><
2 0 Reply
8 0 ReplyVery cool! These are great!
1 0 ReplyThese are fantastic. Thanks for sharing!
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Moody photo. These pylons have an interesting fractal-like construction.
4 0 ReplyI just thought "that change in direction is sweet" 😂 I like your way of putting it.
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4 0 ReplyThere's even a website, I feel seen
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@BeReet Yes!
#transmissiontowertuesday !3 0 ReplyHeck yes ❤️
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That's quite nice
2 0 ReplyI thought so too 😊
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You're so not alone!
2 0 ReplyYesss thanks for joining my cult 😂
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Man I came here for a super fly reference. Not one 😢
1 0 ReplyY r they lit up though? They look super awesome but is it a real life thing?
2 0 ReplyThey are AI Art from Night cafe.
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