It's a tie between Super Mario Sunshine and Super Mario Galaxy! I know some people disliked Sunshine having a seaside setting for most of its levels but to me that was just a part of the appeal. The artstyle and fairly difficult gameplay (don't get me started on that pachinko level!) were charming in their own way, and Galaxy's graphics were just amazing. Galaxy's gameplay was unique with the gravity/planetoid mechanic and a part of the story actually made me cry... Mario Odyssey is good but doesn't come anywhere near as close as Sunshine and Galaxy for me. I still replay both games from time to time!
It might honestly be 3D World on the WiiU. I loved SMW on the snes and all, but SM3DW was the first one to make me smile like I was a kid again. Champions road was just the right difficulty for me.
Paper Mario on the gamecube probably doesn't count, but that was also a lot of fun.
Super Mario Sunshine because it felt like an actual world rather than levels and minigames.
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door because of the roleplay elements. It felt a lot more experimental and less restrictive in terms of character designs and personalities.
Luigi’s Mansion because of the ghost collection feature, I really liked touring them in the art gallery area and reading the little blurbs about them.
Mario Paint because of its utility. It was fun to compose little tunes and doodle with it.
Mario Kart DS because of the local co-op. You could race with your friends even if they didn’t have a copy. This is also the only Mario title that has custom emblem maker to my awareness, a feature I really wish they brought back.
Super Princess Peach because the art style was really fun and I liked the idea of saving Mario and Luigi. It has its flaws but I still find it an enjoyable title I revisit from time to time.
Super Mario World, though its caked with nostalgia for me so I haven't played it in ages.
The answer that will get me shot?
Paper Mario Sticker Star on 3DS. I just found it absolutely charming, from the music to the visuals to the humor. I have still yet to play TTYD which I've heard is a masterpiece, so I came into Sticker Star blind to the Paper Mario franchise.
I’ve been a Mario Kart fan since the original. I think Double Dash or 7 are my favorite, but 64 was the best Battle experience, thanks especially to Block Fort.
Might be a lame answer, but Mario Odyssey for sure (though I've yet to play Galaxy 2). I'm excited for the next Mario but I don't know how they can top the enemy-catching mechanic, it's so creative and made every level truly feel unique.