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kersploosh kersploosh
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OR/WA wildfires for 26 June
  • Yeah.

    And we have it easy compared to western Canada.

  • OR/WA wildfires for 26 June

    Wildfire season sucks.

    Here's the map in case anyone is curious to zoom in and look around.

    Electoral College and The Numbers | USA question
  • If you win a state by one vote (offer not valid in Nebraska and Maine), you get all that state's electoral votes.

    I'm going to pile on to your good answer.

    Since you only need 51% to win all of a state's electoral votes, any additional votes beyond 51% could be considered excess votes that are not helpful. The system rewards candidates whose supporters are spread around, and punishes candidates whose supporters are heavily concentrated in a handful of states.

    For example, in 2016 Hilary Clinton got 4,269,978 more votes in California than Trump. That's 4,269,977 more than she needed to win the state. Meanwhile, she lost Michigan by 10,704 votes, lost Pennsylvania by 44,292 votes, lost Florida by 112,912, etc. Hell, she lost Texas by less than a million votes. If Hilary's supporters in California had been spread around in other states she would have won the national election easily.

  • Are mods here terrible too?
  • Instead of one central Reddit, imagine hundreds of mini-Reddits each with their own users, communities, rules, culture, etc. Now connect them all together so the users on each mini-Reddit can read/post/comment on any of the others. That basically how this works; each Lemmy instance is a mini-Reddit in a sea of peers.

  • How come as of today I can't access [email protected]?
  • There are so many politics communities, but before you mentioned this I didn't realize how concentrated they are on .ml and .world. These look like the most-subscribed USA and World politics communities that aren't on .ml or .world:

    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    [Edit: Though I listed them here, the hexbear and beehaw communities are not accessible to large swaths of the Lemmy user base due to instance defederations.]

  • How come as of today I can't access [email protected]?
  • The community was removed from by their admins. Here's the reason in the modlog:

    Unmoderated duplicate of /c/usa . Any world-related can use /c/worldnews

  • [draws pistol with malicious intent]
  • W must have slept in a Holiday Inn Express the night before.

  • [draws pistol with malicious intent]
  • No gun, no problem. If you are wearing shoes you always have options.

    George W. Bush dodging a show thrown at him during a press conference

  • I for one am ready for president Kamala
  • For those who don't get the joke here, it's a professional wrestler named Kamala:

  • I'll take a coffee regular
  • Supposedly this is at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in Plymouth, Massachusettes. I would not be surprised at all if it's real; having a Dunkin' Donuts in the hospital would totally track for Massachusetts.

  • I'll take a coffee regular

    Nobody likes them
  • Give me streetcars, give me subways, give me walkable neighborhoods and bicycle paths, but you can keep your buses.

  • Nobody likes them

    Military marine mammal
  • Dolphins don't kill people, the munitions strapped to their fins do.

  • Wildfire and smoke extent for 21 July 2024
  • That's a sweet map, too!

  • I think they did Nick dirty putting him in the bottom row
  • That's Mira the Archaeologist from TaleSpin. I agree she looks a bit like a bear, but I think she's supposed to be a fox in the show.

  • Apricot harvest, phase 1
  • Yeah, processing all the fruit in this picture consumed a whole evening after dinner. Hobbies like this are why I'm clueless about TV shows, movies, YouTubers, and popular culture in general.

  • Apricot harvest, phase 1
  • 2 to 3 weeks is no problem. I have read that they should keep for 6 to 12 months, but I have not experimented with keeping them that long at room temperature.

    We store them in the freezer, then take out batches one at a time for snacking. Each batch doesn't last very long once my kids realize it's open.

  • That was where we used to sleep


    I think they did Nick dirty putting him in the bottom row


    Apricot harvest, phase 1

    We completely neglected to thin the backyard apricot tree, so we have a huge crop of tiny apricots this year.

    Early pickings go into the dehydrator. Later fruit will go into the freezer to eventually become jam. And of course we also eat them fresh until the whole family is sick of them.


    First Christmas display of the year... in July

    Could President Biden fully legalize cannabis before he leaves office?
  • You might like this fun article from The Atlantic last week: Congress Accidentally Legalized Weed Six Years Ago

    Here's an link for those who prefer it.

  • Wildfire and smoke extent for 21 July 2024

    I'm sorry to see Canada getting hit by yet another big fire and smoke season. Hang in there, friends. We're burning down here in the northwest US, too.

    This image was taken from NASA's daily satellite view with hot spots highlighted in red.

    And, for anyone curious, here's an interactive USA/Canada wildfire map.


    One of those days


    Helianthus devernii


    Be a friend


    Perfect for next Thanksgiving


    Community closed, please use [email protected] instead

    This community has been without a moderator for many months, and receives little traffic. Please head over to [email protected] instead.

    Birds With Arms kersploosh

    A classic

    Birds With Arms kersploosh

    Big guns

    Source: R*ddit


    An Important Distinction

    An old comic that feels oh so relevant in this tumultuous election year.



    I can see your rule from space

    "Trans Rights Matter!" spotted on Google Earth.

    Also painted on there: Eat the fuckin' rich!! No human being is illegal Nothing short of revolution will save us


    Some days it'll be like that, take 2

    I lost four spokes on my morning commute when the chain decided to jump off the big cog. Of course I don't have a spoke protector. (Who needs a dork disc? Bad things won't happen if you keep your bike maintained. /s) I was lucky to skid to a stop rather than crash when the rear wheel locked up.

    PSA: keep a few zip ties in your repair kit.



    Whale fall

    >A whale fall occurs when the carcass of a whale has fallen onto the ocean floor, typically at a depth greater than 1,000 m (3,300 ft), putting them in the bathyal or abyssal zones. On the sea floor, these carcasses can create complex localized ecosystems that supply sustenance to deep-sea organisms for decades.


