The design of our restrooms is dumb, and the hate brigade makes it 10x worse.
Sweden does restrooms correctly. They are more private, more hygienic, and more efficient. That’s on top of eliminating the reason for the temptation for scumbags to be the genital police.
What I am used to at work in the US is a giant room for two toilets and a urinal plus two sinks. And it should go without saying that the privacy of the stalls is terrible. They are only ever metal panels that start a foot off the floor and end low enough for tall people to see over. The metal panels have huge gaps between them that you have to avoid looking at unless you like awkward eye contact. Of course there is also the door for the ladies’ room leading to a second giant room with I assume 3 toilets and 2 sinks.
Over in Sweden, in the same space you have a short hallway with 6-8 individual doors. Real wooden doors, that fully close and lock with vacant/occupied indicators on the outside. Behind each is a reasonably sized small room with a toilet and sink. You know, kind of like a restroom!
The setup is better for the individuals using the facilities as well as the group’s utilization. Any person can use any restroom at any time, and with a much better experience than we have now.
It just seems a bit too “respects other humans” to fly in the US. Plus I’m sure the upfront construction cost is slightly higher (gasps in American).
Oh, wow. I've always wondered about the crazy bathroom laws. I used to ask, "What're they gonna do? Raid the bathroom and start checking genitals?" Turns out, yeah, that's exactly what they're gonna do. I hope the malicious idiots that voted for this get a taste of their own medicine when they become collateral damage.
Whoa, that's even crazier. Are police not beholden to law? If not, what exactly is law enforcement in the context of the executive branch of government?
Someone on Lemmy, I wish I remembered and could credit them, called them FARTs- Feminism Appropriating Radical Transphobes. I've been telling all my friends to do that, it feels right.
Ah yeah, just people learning about new/old genders the hard way. You just have to remember LGBTQ A+. There's a plus I assume now because there's a large number of yet to surface genders. There's a space between the A, I assume because A is for Asexual sort of de-gendered. Its a rainbow out there. Just accept it and move on. I don't even understand why the big deal. At home there's two bathrooms and anyone can go in them. I don't have to go check all my guests for dick or vagina. I assume that they gotta go at some point so I provide them the same two bathrooms my own family uses....unless they got Ebola. I assume other people would also draw the line at deadly airborne diseases. Possible at diarrhea, but hey, even then, you still gotta go somewhere!
The same type of people complaining about Gender-Neutral bathrooms are the same type of people that would complain about desegregated water fountains. Bigots.