Employees who maintained America's most wild places say they are concerned for public safety and for wildlife.
The Trump administration's recent mass layoffs of national park and forest staff have sparked outrage as services deteriorate and safety concerns grow.
Around 1,000 National Park Service employees (5%) and 3,400 Forest Service workers (10%) were terminated on February 14, causing long entrance lines, trail closures, and reduced visitor services.
Former employees like wilderness ranger Kate White worry about visitor safety and ecological damage at popular destinations.
Conservation work for endangered species has halted, and wildfire response capabilities are threatened. Interior Secretary Doug Burgum defended the cuts as deficit reduction, while critics call for policy reversal.
All these fuckers talk about is deficit reduction. We gotta cut social services and stuff people rely on to save money cuz the deficit. But they aren't trying to save money. They're trying to give themselves the biggest tax break imaginable and add to the deficit. They just want us to pay for it.
It's the biggest fucking scam in the world
And your representatives are lying to you so they can get rich.
There does seem to be a lot of wasteful spending, do you not agree?
I'd far prefer a minimum income or something along those lines. Or just fund electricity production instead if you're worried about people not working.
This is where it appears like the progressives don't actually help the average person, and you get someone like Trump elected.
The idea of what they consider to be wasteful and what I consider to be wasteful are very different things. And I don't want to feed into that narrative. They weren't worried about government waste till they wanted to give themselves bigger tax cuts. If they cared about actual waste, they wouldn't remove people in charge of oversight.
NIH research isn't wasteful, CFPB isn't wasteful. USAID isn't wasteful. These things pay huge dividends to society. Removing contracts already lined up for other companies and giving it to yourself is the definition of wasteful. Removing the organizations that were investigating your labor practices is cronyism.
So no I don't agree. So if you wanna talk about helping the average person, maybe point to some changes that have happened that'll in some way actually help people and not just make the obscenely wealthly a little richer. But you're unlikely to find any.
This is where it appears like the progressives don't actually help the average person
Another instance of "this is what I believe progressives/leftists/liberals do" and being completely off about it. Lol This is becoming a thing around here, isn't it. Third time this week.
parks are getting setup to be stripped mined of resources and the areas polluted by the efforts
was happening under the Democrats watch too just with more finesse but since both parties are paid from the same checkbook we as citizens are just forced to watch the strip mining of our country with no way out
I am not sure they will get away with that but the national forests I am most worried about. They just appointed a timber lobbyist to head the USFS and I’m assuming we can kiss our nation’s forests goodbye unless there is a serious public effort to preserve them.
Biden protected 9 Million Acres of land and water, and Trump intentionally laid off national park defenders at the start of his first term to the point that the parks saw unprecedented destruction and that conservationists and the NPCA said it would take hundreds of years to undo the damage, and Trump cleared swaths of protected land for his stupid border wall with high explosives, but they're exactly the same.
Overall, the Biden administration has conserved 674 million acres of U.S. lands and waters. These protections include 15 new, expanded, and restored national monuments, adding up to nearly 9 million acres.
I'll believe it when the populace gets up off their ass and actually does something about it. An "outraged" person takes action. They fight for what's right. Until they do something, it's just an apathetic population complaining.
Ironic that Joe Rogan hosts a monthly ‘Protect our Parks and Wildlife’ pod, then considerably helps to get Trump elected, who then makes moves to fuck up parks and wildlife.