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verdantbanana Verdant Banana

Still a very green banana.

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Kamala Harris to make history on 'AS9' finale as first sitting VP on 'Drag Race'
  • not even elected feel more represented by Harris than any other president and was definitely on the fence vote wise

    she has more fire than Obama had

  • U.S. economy grew at a 2.8% pace in the second quarter, much more than expected
  • total horseshit

    an economy that includes wages that are lower than food and housing costs combined it is not growing period

    shit is shit no matter how you dress it up

    not even the $15 an hour Biden forgot about would cover anyone's bills

    just to work a job in a place with no public transportation would have you paying gas, maintenance, insurance, property tax, and a monthly car payment if it is not paid off and if the vehicle is used upon purchase the maintenance could cost more plus your housing and food all add up to more than some make a month

    and that is not including a person's healthcare which at this point is state by state so depending on location the cost is astronomically higher due to travel costs if you can afford it both cash and time wise

    nor is that including utilities or entertainment or anything else

  • How the American war on porn could change the way you use the internet
  • Every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great.

    If a sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate.

  • Harris plans to finish Biden's progressive agenda
  • the more light that is shone on Harris the better she gets

  • Tens of Thousands Call for Federal Marijuana Decriminalization
  • that still leaves the US with demographic rights

    not everyone can just move to another state

  • Biden calls for justice after footage released of police killing Black woman
  • the majority persuasion was that some people are less than and because he challenged that notion we have more rights today and are able to fight for more

    whole reason me and you are able to debate/ discuss topics on the web today because he stood against the incoming tide of persuasion that him and a bunch others were less than and said hell no we are people too

  • Biden calls for justice after footage released of police killing Black woman
  • no was not

    was pointing out the fact that as time passes the labels people get stuck with might sound different years later

    Martin Luther King was someone who denounced the majority persuasion and we all benefited from the progress born of his struggles and sacrifices to this day

    that was my point

  • Tens of Thousands Call for Federal Marijuana Decriminalization
  • and this is how the US got to be where it is today

    people that vote and are allowed to cannot tell the difference between decriminalization and legalization and act like they are living in a HOA bubble

    with decriminalization the officer pulling you over or arresting you has the deciding authority to arrest you or not based on his personal feelings and or beliefs

    with legalization the arresting officer has to go by the same set of rules as the rest of the country with no room for states' rights or funny interpretation that goes against the citizens

    huge fuck difference

  • Biden calls for justice after footage released of police killing Black woman
  • he was talking much harder before when he was on the campaign trail making it out like he was serious about pushing for national reform

  • Tens of Thousands Call for Federal Marijuana Decriminalization
  • decriminalization means regulating the dispensaries we have until they are out of business just like he did with nicotine vaping

  • Aging, incoherent felon refuses to drop out of presidential race
  • what the fuck is purple parts of the country?

  • Iowa law banning most abortions after six weeks of pregnancy to take effect Monday
  • yes and no picture was driving

    holding a phone while driving through that is asking for a black bag over the head

    my job has me through a lot of the hot states so yes keep seeing this

  • Iowa law banning most abortions after six weeks of pregnancy to take effect Monday
  • how are you guaranteeing that? have you been across the US and saw otherwise?

  • Biden calls for justice after footage released of police killing Black woman
  • the current police problem was in part grown by Biden's efforts during his fifty years as a politician

  • Iowa law banning most abortions after six weeks of pregnancy to take effect Monday
  • already happening

    at state borders walls of police jacked up on personal belief line up the interstate on both sides looking for prey such as on the main artery interstate crossings like the i40 in Tennessee

    with terry stops the officers do not need probable cause and the arresting officer's ideology of protecting the unborn is the only reason needed to stomp on those rights and throw their belongings in the mud

    after that the citizen winds up with trumped up charges in some bubba spitting redneck jailcell with a judge on the cops side during the kangaroo court session and even if they are released will be on parole in the system tagged and marked

    but at least the judge and cops will make home for dinner


  • Biden calls for justice after footage released of police killing Black woman
  • sad that there is no way to contradict this since any judge will side with the cop and his buddies on the force who backed his story up

    and police reform is not even talked about with the candidates anymore plus Biden has completely forgotten his campaign promise of police reform

  • Who might Kamala Harris pick for VP? Three favorites emerge
  • outright information straight from the tit gets downvoted?

    the Democrats are just as delusional as Republicans

    that was straight research, information, and sources

  • Who might Kamala Harris pick for VP? Three favorites emerge
  • which is what they always do

    might as well call it what it is Republicans versus Centrist

    really fucked this election

    already forget about women's rights, worker's rights/pay, police reform, and basically everything the "Democrats" supposedly stand for

    another four years of stagnation

  • Who might Kamala Harris pick for VP? Three favorites emerge
  • Shapiro Platform

    Shapiro has said that as governor he will protect abortion access in Pennsylvania and veto any bill the state legislature passes that outlaws abortion.[63] In contrast, Mastriano said he would support outlawing abortion in Pennsylvania without any exceptions, including in cases of rape or the mother's life being at risk.[64]

    Before running for governor, Shapiro had supported capital punishment for what he called "heinous crimes". During his campaign, he announced that he now favored abolishing the death penalty in Pennsylvania, a reversal of his previous position.[58] Shapiro was asked in a 2022 interview with Pennsylvania Capital-Star why his position changed, to which he responded:

    [The] question is a fair one ... When I ran for [attorney general] in 2016, I said that the death penalty should be reserved for the most heinous of crimes. But then I got elected attorney general and I saw these cases come across my desk. I got closer to a system that I thought was in need of reform. And as attorney general I never once sought the death penalty. As governor, I'd be in a policymaking role, together with the Legislature ... and I thought it was important when asked to state my position unequivocally that I would sign legislation to abolish the death penalty.

    Shapiro also said he would not sign any future death warrants for prisoners on death row.[65]

    Shapiro supports cutting Pennsylvania's nearly 10 percent corporate tax rate to 4 percent by 2025. He has proposed hiring 2,000 additional police officers across Pennsylvania, saying, the "more police officers we hire, the more opportunities we have for them to get out of their patrol cars, walk the beat, learn the names of the kids in the communities".[66] Shapiro favors pardoning those convicted for possession of small amount of marijuana.[67]

    On efforts to mitigate COVID-19, Shapiro has broken with some in the Democratic Party and opposes mask and vaccine mandates.[68] He prefers educating the public about vaccines' efficacy.[68] Shapiro is also skeptical about Pennsylvania joining the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, a market-based program to reduce some greenhouse gas emissions.[69] He has proposed expanding Pennsylvania's clean energy portfolio for utility companies, greater electric car infrastructure and investing in clean energy research and development.[70] Shapiro supports a Lifeline Scholarship bill, which creates education savings accounts for children in failing public schools that can be spent on approved expenses including tutoring, instructional materials and private school tuition.[71]

    Shapiro has proposed a plan that will allow for a $250 gas tax refund per personal passenger vehicle up to four vehicles per household. He proposed funding the proposal with funds from the American Rescue Plan.[72] On the issue of vocational training, Shapiro has proposed increasing career and technical training in high schools, tripling state funding for apprenticeships and union skills programs, and creating a Pennsylvania office of workforce development.[73][74] He also supports eliminating four-year degree requirements for state government jobs.[74] Shapiro is a supporter of unions and has vowed to veto any "right to work" legislation.[75]


    Roy Asberry Cooper III (born June 13, 1957) is an American attorney and politician serving as the 75th governor of North Carolina since 2017. A member of the Democratic Party, he served as the 49th attorney general of North Carolina from 2001 to 2017 and in the North Carolina General Assembly in both the House of Representatives and Senate from 1987 to 2001.[1]

    Cooper graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1979. He began his career as a lawyer and in 1986 was elected to represent the 72nd district in the North Carolina House of Representatives. In 1991, he was appointed a member of the North Carolina Senate, a position he held until 2001. He was elected North Carolina Attorney General in 2000 and reelected in 2004, 2008, and 2012, serving just under 16 years, the second-longest tenure for an attorney general in the state's history.

    Cooper defeated Republican incumbent Pat McCrory for the governorship in a close race in the 2016 election.[2] This election made Cooper the first challenger to defeat a sitting governor in the state's history with Cooper going on to win reelection in 2020 against Republican nominee and Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest.[3] While the Republican-dominated legislature passed bills in a special session to reduce the power of the governor's office prior to his taking office, Cooper continued to emphasize increases in education and healthcare funding throughout his tenure, ultimately culminating in his successful negotiations of state-wide Medicaid expansion.

    Cooper has been named as a possible running mate for Kamala Harris upon her starting her 2024 campaign for president.[4][5]

    Mark Kelly Platform

    Abortion As a candidate in 2020, Kelly said he was "pro-choice" and was endorsed by Planned Parenthood.[87] He supports codifying Roe v. Wade into federal law.[88] He has said that late-stage abortions should be legally protected.[89]

    Climate and environment Kelly has voiced support for climate action, but said he "does not favor" the Green New Deal.[90] The League of Conservation Voters gave him a 97% score in 2021.[91] In 2022, Kelly also advocated for an expansion of oil drilling in the wake of rising gas prices.[92][93]

    Guns Kelly became an outspoken advocate for gun control following the attempted assassination of his wife, former U.S. Representative Gabby Giffords, at the 2011 Tucson shooting.[94]

    Kelly voted for the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act in response to the Robb Elementary School shooting in Uvalde, Texas.[95][96]

    Health care Kelly supports building on the Affordable Care Act to include a public health insurance option.[94][97] He opposes Medicare for All.[98]

    Immigration Of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, Kelly has said, "Dreamers are as American as anyone", and has expressed support for it.[99][87]

    Trump administration In February 2021, Kelly voted to convict Trump for incitement of insurrection in his second impeachment trial,[67] and has been outspoken in his disdain for him.[100]

  • Biden Offered No Alternative to Trump’s Pro-Policing Authoritarianism in Debate

    Biden did not put forth a progressive or convincing counterweight to Trump’s xenophobic and authoritarian tirades.

    Biden Offered No Alternative to Trump’s Pro-Policing Authoritarianism in Debate

    Donald Trump's overarching narrative for the debate was that Joe Biden has diminished U.S. power by opening the border and allowing millions of "Illegal immigrants" released "From prisons, jails and mental institutions" to come into the country to "Take our jobs," overwhelm our health care and Social Security systems, and rape and kill us.

    Rather than pointing out Trump's utter lack of concern for people's well-being, Biden's rebuttal fell into the trap of trying to respond to Trump's tirades, allowing the former president to control the agenda and tone of the debate.

    Trump used this as an opportunity to point out how little progress has been made under Biden and that Biden helped drive these disparities through his embrace of the "Superpredator" myth in the 1990s.

    While many in the Biden administration and its key constituencies favor dialing back criminalization, they feel that it is politically impossible to state that clearly and openly, leaving the president to quietly support some good programs, while publicly leaning into a police-centered crime control strategy that will never be able to compete with Trump's undiluted authoritarianism.

    Biden's weak policies and incoherent responses during the debate may give us another four years of Trump and his drive to turn the U.S. into a despotic kleptocracy.

    26 Growing opposition to Democrats’ “all-out war” to block third parties from ballot

    In response to the hemorrhaging of support for Joe Biden due to his blatant role in facilitating Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians, the Democrats are seeking to suppress all political parties outside the framework of the corporate-controlled two-party system.

    Growing opposition to Democrats’ “all-out war” to block third parties from ballot

    The Democratic Party is launching an "all-out war" to block third parties from appearing on the 2024 US election ballot. This is in response to declining support for President Biden and the Democratic Party. The World Socialist Web Site has published articles exposing these anti-democratic efforts, which have received widespread attention and support on social media. Third party candidates like Jill Stein and Cornel West have condemned the Democratic Party's actions as an assault on democratic rights and voter choice. The Socialist Equality Party has also voiced support for the right of independent and third party candidates to access the ballot, connecting this to the broader fight against the corporate-controlled two-party system.

    11 Budget Deal Ensures Bombs Will Keep Dropping While Fewer Human Needs Are Met

    All of that military funding comes at the direct cost of funding social programs and climate programs.

    Budget Deal Ensures Bombs Will Keep Dropping While Fewer Human Needs Are Met

    The Military Budget Underwrites War — and Genocide

    The deal includes $886 billion for the military, but that will most likely grow. War funding for the current year wasn’t included in the current deal, but President Joe Biden has requested $106 billion, of which $65 billion is for military purposes .

    The Losers: All of Us

    All of that military funding comes at the direct cost of funding social programs and climate programs.

    Flipping the Script

    The clear answer to this is a budget that flips the script, providing more for human needs, climate, and diplomacy while providing less for war and militarism. The path to get there is fraught, but there are signs of hope.


    Night Train to Terror (1985)

    God and Satan are on a train discussing the fate of three individuals. The stories of the people in question are told in a trio of very strange vignettes. One involves an insane asylums with some very interesting treatment plans. Another involves a 'death club'. The final story shows us the adventures of a server of Satan.


    Mitchell (1975)

    A tough, slobby, honest cop tries to simultaneously take down heroin dealers and a corrupt businessman who murdered a burglar, even if it costs him his life.
