Canada should be investing in healthcare and science, taking advantage of the current opportunity to poach world-class talent from the USA. And don't vote Conservative because they'll do the opposite.
I can’t agree with your comment more. It’s time for Canada to take a stand and invite in all the smartest people from the US to help us bolster our economy and better the country.
Problem with that is we gotta offer a higher salary, which we can't afford right now. Now with how medicare is being sabotaged by conservative provincial governments.
Same situation, here in Europe - the most beneficial situation would be to have a bigger partnership between the EU and Canada! Only then, we could face Trump, Putin, and other dictators.
Get the government in the business of building homes.
Stop relying on the private sector, this shit needs to be done ASAP. Then reach our to American talent!
From what little I know, I believe that wait times for Canadian family physicians suck because they move to the US for better pay. So this is rebalancing the scales
I'm a current American bio student planning to go into healthcare, can confirm I'm planning to go to grad school abroad to hopefully escape the US. I'm not planning to go to Canada though, I'm planning to go to Australia. I decided not to look into Canada after hearing of it's rising far-right and anti-immigrant sentiment. If Canada wants US brain drain Canadians would have to be willing to accept American immigrants, even with how poorly many Canadians view Americans right now
Sure, but not to the same degree. I don't know much about Canadian politics but for a time my social media was filled with post after post bashing Trudeau and favoring more far-right politicians just over immigration policy. It was enough to turn me off of your country as a whole, if immigrants are so hated there.
And it's a problem there too. Both Australia and Canada need to cool it with the anti-immigrant scapegoating unless they want to end up like America. Ultimately the main reason I chose Australia over Canada was due to it's further distance from the US making it less likely to get embridled in geopolitical conflicts with the US, like Canada already is with these tariff wars
Yes, I'm very aware that Australia (and the whole of the world for that matter) also has rising far-right and anti-immigration sentiment. I'm not sure why so many people in this thread think I was born yesterday and have done 0 research on the matter of where I hope to spend the rest of my life. Ultimately anywhere is better than the US though, and I can't allow myself to be so caught up in self-defeatist thoughts like "everywhere has rising far-right politics" or "nowhere is safe" or "immigration is too hard" that I stay paralyzed in the line of danger.
My decision to choose Australia over Canada was ultimately a matter of degree. I felt a country further from the US would be more safe geopolitcally, Australia's higher foreign-born population would lead to a less xenophobic culture, and compulsory voting laws would keep far-right politicians from gaining or maintaining a foothold, thank you for your concern
American here. Apparently those doctors aren't fleeing to my local clinic in Seattle. Routine appointments are scheduled months out. Last August I had a weird little heart thing where paramedics showed up and checked me out. They recommended taking a cardio stress test, which I couldn't get until October, and discussing the results with the actual doctor was in fucking December. Because we have the Finest Healthcare System In The World™ (sunbeams, angels singing). Of course for really urgent matters you can get very immediate attention via ambulance and the Emergency Room, and then you owe them your house. Cuz Freedom!
A doctor I worked with who was born in Canada but had been working in the US decided to move back to Canada and work with us, I guess he and his family wanted to get out of the states. Well, his family hated it here, I guess just not used to our way of life, and he had lots of criticism of how OHIP does not fund things (thanks Doug the drug dealer) and bitched all the time, and so last summer he went and secretly got a new job, his family moved back to the US ahead of him, and he hung out here for the fall and announced on October 31st that he was quitting and going back to the states. I didn't see him until the day after the election and I asked him where he was moving to, and he told me, but he said now he didn't know because of the election. Well, he moved after all, I mean his family was already there, but now that the US pulled 880 billion out of Medicare which is all of Medicare alone and a lot of people lost their jobs and therefore their insurance, and funding is being pulled out of science and medicine in other places, I don't think he'll have a good time of it. He was pretty arrogant about how badly he thought we did things, and while I agree that the conservative Ontario government sucks the rigid cock of Satan, it's not like that!
However OHIP really needs to pay many doctors more. Family doctors deserve a huge raise, and many subspecialties are poorly paid for the amount of education and work they require. For example, MS neurologists and movement disorders neurologists are paid very poorly and those patients require a LOT of work.