There is a bit of AI spending one-upmanship going on among the hyperscalers and cloud builders – and now the foundation model builders who are partnering
Meanwhile, Amazon/AWS have reworked their corporate employees compensation so that employees get less in each annual review than previously. As well as making the top possible annual increment firmly out of reach.
Of course not. My point was that these wealthier-than-god goobers just throw money at anything with the term "AI" attached with abandon, and that seems like a better road to relative wealth than playing the lottery.
Sadly, they'll gain only the earliest start on NextGen Evil, waste many earth-boiling watt hours doing it and pass the losses on to everyone else via streaming, taxes, whatever.
Why in hell are all these people on a Technology community who clearly don't understand the reason why companies are all-in on the AI thing?
I don't want to pull a "no true scotsman" here, but holy christ. Are any of the people here actually technology enthusiasts? Because there's a lot of technophobes and luddites here.
In fact, I'd say MOST replies to this community are people pooh-poohing Tech.
I think there's a healthy discussion about technology. The fact that people are open to discuss their concerns about AI and the ramifications of the technology is exactly what is needed in a discussion. Technology for the sake of technology is not needed, that's the play book these giants don't seem to realize. They are rewarded for technology and their ability to destroy and wreck the power grid without having to pay restitution or taxes. It's capitalism when in fact taxpayers are constantly the ones footing the bill with grants, tax levies, or holding the bag with bad contracts and needing to fix the problems these corporations leave in their wake.