Obviously an egg shrine
10 0 ReplyIs it a press for making tostones?
8 0 ReplyDrumroll...
winner winner chicken dinner! 1.5 hours in.
Yes, this is a Tostonera also known as a plantain masher. I got it on vacation made by a local. I believe it was turned on a lathe instead of the mass produced ones with two pieces of flat wood and a hinge.
photo of a more common one
6 0 Reply
For squishing balls of dough into flat circles for dumplings?
6 0 ReplyDrumroll...
Getting closer, but not quite.
3 0 Reply
5 0 ReplyShould've posted the bottom of the lid, but its flat plain wood.
3 0 ReplyCoaster and lid
2 0 Reply
Looks like it could be a container for cosmetics? Or a cup to put shaving soap in for use with a brush? Though those are usually more bowl shaped...
3 0 ReplyDrumroll...
If it had more space maybe. aesthetically it looks like a shaving bowl sure.
Less of a bowl and more of a dish.
3 0 Reply
Asian calligraphy ink dish?
3 0 ReplyWrong but I like this one.
2 0 Reply