As a fart connoisseur, I was VERY excited about the (F) Art Gallery lol
They can come work in the US if they have their H-1Bee visa!
Moonbase Alpha provides a realistic simulation of life on a natural satellite

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Is it a press for making tostones?
Vshojo Tier List - Would they trust a fart?

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Credit to @XenoriethNova on YT
Google maps, I literally passed by this place lol
Meme Bakeruley

"you have such good memes, where you do find this shit?" "oh, I just pick them up at the bakery"
They're almost cardboard-y tasting - I would think it'd be totally not worth it.
Elmo has no right to bodyshame when he looks like this:
(sorry, here's some eye bleach)
That's a setting?! Omg, thank you so much for telling us, I've had so many problems stemming from that lol
Hey OP, I saw in a comment that you've tried medications and nothing has helped. I was in the same boat and struggled for a long time. It took switching doctors, but I found one that did genetic testing for me and was able to find a medication that worked really well. Later, I suffered through some severe trauma and it really knocked me back down again. I spoke to my doctor about it and we determined that TMS treatment was a good option for me, and I'm happy to report that it worked really really well and I'm doing a lot better.
There are options out there like these, but I think they are little known, and it took many years before any doctors offered them. I know it is so hard to do so, but I think it's important to be able to speak up and say "hey doc, I've tried different meds for years and nothing helps, what other things can we do?"
Oh, I totally understand why they call it that now, but on first glance I just thought it was a translator fail
"No dickheads allowed" lol
Edit: wait that's the company's LOGO?! Let me laugh even harder
Edit 2: I was hoping they'd explain what the hell their logo is, and translating their "About Me" page gave me this: "Incifra was founded in 1983 and was the first in Italy to dedicate itself to the trade of queue management snails, the symbol of the company."
"Queue management snail" meant nothing to me as an American so I took the original Italian and image searched it:
... They make ticket dispensers. How the fuck does your logo convey that?!
You know what, well played, Incifra - your company does indeed prevent people from being dickheads
Fart used as Rule
MoistCr1TiKaL revealed that he was called as a witness during the Billy Mitchell v Karl Jobst case in a bizarre court appearance.

(I don't want to be a) Bilionairule
Listen to (I Don't Want to Be A) Billionaire on your streaming service

This song is keeping me going this week