Let's say as a guy, u can only put ur dick in one hole for the rest of ur life. Which hole?
If you could only put ur dick in one hole (mouth, ass, pussy) for the rest of ur life, which hole would it be? U can fuck different people but u can only use the hole u chooses.
I'd have to go with pussy because that is the most natural spot for it. It is a human wonder how it is constructed to comfortably engage with a penis of almost any size.
Not only is it perfect for a cock but in almost any position of penetration you also have full access to squeeze and suck her tits. Amazing how perfectly that all lines up
Hand hole. You suckers livin in arousal austerity. Meanwhile in handyland we got options, southpaw, fastball, knuckleball, curveball, two handed bunt, relief pitcher, catcher, Palmila on third base, short stop, batting glove, blown foul, swinging for home, chip shot, the triple play, in field home run, pro hotdog vendor
As a above average male I'd pick pussy. Supposedly anal can support it more and oral has never worked out for me. Never had a girl brave enough to give anal full effort and training.
I also love pleasing my partner so pussy makes sense. When you're well endowed you have to ensure its warmed up and done right to avoid pain or damage. After eating out crawling up and slipping into missionary sounds vanilla but it's quite passionate. Standard warm up.
Little long, average width here. Yeah, vagina all day long. Love oral! But that's not where I want to finish. My fantasies want to, but in the moment? Pussy all day long.
I enjoy oral sex more than vaginal or anal penetration. For me, it has an extra layers of sensuality and playfulness, and I like to be giver and receiver, so let's keep the symmetry
I have male and female partners, so choosing pussy would be a loss with half of them
anal sex is fun and hot, once in a while. But it's not something I want every single time I have sex. I think I would have less sex if it was my only option
assuming it doesn't override consent requirements (Eg : if she wouldn't usually say yes to anal, she still won't say yes to anal), mouth; since it's the one that will be agreed on the most.
assuming for some reason, the lady will consent to it each time, anal.