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bobbiguy2122 lemmyposter212
Posts 170
Comments 228
Love my small titties šŸ˜ˆ
  • Looks like you forgot a picture, please edit the post and add one or I'll have to remove it

  • NSFW
    [F] OC - I want your big hard cock between my tits!
  • depending on what app or version of the site you're using, they'll be in the "sidebar" or "about" section of a community

  • NSFW
    [F] OC - I want your big hard cock between my tits!
  • please read the rules and follow the post title structure in the future.

  • NSFW
    New Sitewide Rule about Spamming
  • Put it this way, if you were one of the people I was mentioning in the post you would have probably received a short ban by now lol

  • NSFW
    New Sitewide Rule about Spamming
  • I think there's merit to cross-posting, and until I see an egregious misuse of it I don't want to police users too much, I put this rule into place because I did see a ridiculous amount of posts in single communities. I'll talk with the other admins and see what their opinion is though.

  • NSFW
    New Sitewide Rule about Spamming
  • Yes this is the exact situation lol, multiple people did it

  • NSFW
    New Sitewide Rule about Spamming
  • You're also fine because your posts are to different communities and are often varied, you're actually a good example of posting a lot without it being spam IMO

  • NSFW
    New Sitewide Rule about Spamming
  • I appreciate that, yours isn't actually that bad, there was someone who posted literally 40+ images in 40+ posts in the same community. Not only that but there were photos of the same image set split across several different posts

  • We are looking for moderators for our communities!
  • you've been added to those communities

  • We are looking for moderators for our communities!
  • not sure if I forgot to scratch it out or if the mod is now active again but hotwife's mod is active, and thickfit has already had a mod added, you'd have to reach out to them to see if you could get added to the mod team

  • We are looking for moderators for our communities!
  • looks like those all have active mods except for thots, not sure if I just forgot to scratch them out or if the mods have since returned but I'll add you as a mod for thots

  • We are looking for moderators for our communities!
  • you can dm me from this account and your non lurker one if you'd like to have your non lurker account as admin, would you prefer that, or do you want to be added to those account?

  • NSFW
    video if anal creampie
  • I wouldn't, the preview to this post is broken

  • We are looking for moderators for our communities!
  • the request for moderation is also to keep the communities active as well sometimes, if someone has an interest in something they can request a dormant community

  • We are looking for moderators for our communities!
  • you've been added as mod to nudedudes and massivecock but nerdygonewild's mod is fairly active, you'd have to ask them to join

  • We are looking for moderators for our communities!
  • the other two you mentioned have active mods but topless had no mods, I've added you as a mod there

  • We are looking for moderators for our communities!

    A lot of communities here were created by people who have have not logged on for months, were banned due to poor conduct, or are simply just one person trying to manage multiple communities (and maybe being an admin šŸ˜…).

    Because of this we have a lot of communities that could use some love. If you see a community that you love that has 1, 2, or even no mods, and you would like help out and become a mod, message me here or on matrix, or message in the public or mod coordination matrix rooms and we will see about getting you added to the mod team.

    • If the community only has one or more mods that are still active we will reach out to them and get their approval to add you

    • If the community only has one mod and the mod has been inactive for 3+ months we will add you as a mod

    • If the mod has been inactive for 6+ months we will remove them and make you top mod.

    • If the community has no mods, you will become top mod.

    Note: the purpose of this is to get a few passionate people from each community to run each community. We do NOT want people to run so many communities at once that they couldn't possible look at all of them. A few communities is fine, but several is putting us in a similar position to where we already are.

    Edit: please mention specific communities in your message or comment!

    Edit2: list of communities most in need of mods in my comments

    Edit3: this hasn't happened yet but just to let everyone know, if you intentionally nuke a community, you will be banned from the site.


    MODERATORS: Automod is here!

    As this community grows automod will be more and more important. We've already seen some OC creators stop posting because of rude comments. This along with it's general usefulness has pushed us to implement an automod solution.

    We have implemented basedcount's lemmy-automoderator

    It has the capability to moderate:

    • comments
    • posts
    • and make custom ! comment commands

    The automod user is @[email protected]

    How to add automod:

    • as you'll see later in the wiki, the automod has to be manually set as a moderator of your community

    • Message me and I'll login and comment on a post in your community.

    Edit: I've added automod to just about every community I could find. If your community doesn't have automod, or you make a new one, please message me and I'll add automod to your mod team

    • Once the comment is made, appoint automod as mod, and Read the wiki to learn how to add rules to your community.

    An update on our community regarding downvotes

    Several people in the community have expressed frustration in regards to the fact that any post that fits the community it's posted to but is slightly out of the normal post type like, for example, being more hardcore rather than softcore, get's a lot of downvotes by people who simply don't like that particular post.

    We have also had complaints that particular types of posts as a whole get more downvotes even if they are in the appropriate community and are the normal type of post for a community. This especially appears to be happening to male content.

    Additionally we are seeing posts with more downvotes than a community has subscribers, meaning people are downvoting content they don't even want to see in the first place.

    We understand some may not like some content of a particular post or community, but downvoting posts discourages these posters who are actually passionate/interested in the topic of the community from posting again. Additionally, when posts are downvoted like that it can bury them in our instance and especially in other instances, preventing them from being viewed by others almost at all.

    After some discussion amongst the moderators and admins,because of the reasons above, we've decided to disable downvotes at least for the time being.

    What do I do if I dislike a post?

    • We recommend those who would normally downvote a post they don't like just, instead, block the user who created the post, or, if the community is a topic you dislike, block the community. That way, you no longer see those posts, but don't effect those posts' visibility to other members of the community and instance.

    • Additionally, you can view your "Subscribed" feed instead of "Local" so that you only see posts from the communities you are subscribed to.

    What do I do if a post doesn't fit the community it's posted in or is spam?

    • Please report the post, either the mods of the community or an instance admin will remove the post if necessary, as soon as possible. We have admins and mods online almost around the clock, so these types of posts should be removed quickly.

    Potential future post filtering on lemmy:

    • In the future it appears that lemmy may implement a tagging system similar to flairs on reddit. This request has piqued the interest of the lemmy devs, so keep an eye out sometime in the (maybe not so near) future for the implementation of that feature.

    As @[email protected] has said in the comments:

    >Downvotes should be used for posts you donā€™t like in your area of interest, and not for niche communities you donā€™t like. > >When the RFC mentioned in the post is developed, we will be able to have a more refined home page, this way we can enable downvotes. > >But for now, please block users/communities as it supposed to be.

    Please put any comments questions and concerns in the comments below, we are of course always open to community thoughts and feedback, and want to work with you to keep this instance an enjoyable and entertaining place to post and browse.
