I've finally started transitioning to Windows from linux
That's pretty much it, after several months, maybe even a year of wanting to take the leap, a couple days ago I finally did it. I just wanted to share this cuz I think it's an absolute win, and I guess just see if anyone has any general advice to keep in mind during the process. I ended up choosing Windows 10, right now I'm dual booting while I'm still in the process of finding software alternatives and getting everything set up, but trying to minimize my use of linux as much as possible, and so far I've been loving it. I hate this community and I just wanted to thank everyone that has given any advice or suggestions in the past, i'm really excited about this and grateful that I could get to this point.
Assigned at conception. In humans, this is always female, as sexual differentiation doesn't happen for weeks. In computers... idk maybe we have to go back to punched tape?
Gears, my friend. The transistors don't form from these proto-circuits until the third trimester, and the CPU doesn't start forming until the last two weeks.
Doctors of Computer Science will often label the computer Windows or Mac around week 18, but you won't truly know whether it's a Windows, Mac, or Linux computer until after the build, sometimes years after.
monotone "yes mr gates i will upgrade to windows 11 and buy all the windows 11 office utilitys. Microsoft edge is the best browser it frees me from the scary concepts of choices"