In a weird way that makes the picture better. Elon and Trump are still alive after all the horrid shit they’ve done but that guy who died, who may have been a piece of shit and was definitely an idiot, was likely working class even though they had enough money for the vehicle whose poor design resulted in his death.
On top of the car being rented, it seems the driver loaded it up with a homemade bomb which is the reason it blew up. They also seem to have shot themselves in the car before it exploded. So this one was not in fact because of shitty engineering (though the cars are certainly shittily engineered).
In fact (as much as it pains me to say) before the month is out they're effectively getting a promotion from president elect to president before the month is out.
NGL I was really hoping they'd get a promotion to federal prison inmate by this point
Oh shit, so this is real. I've been staring at this pic for a good few minutes on both my phone and pc to figure out if it's ai or not and if people just go along with some joke. The quality of the picture has this uncanny vibe I get from image gens because I have an impression that there are artifacts but can't quite point them out. The picture itself is also exactly something that would cross someone's mind to draw/generate to reflect what's happening out there.
Edit: One of the things that I noticed but forgot to mention is smoke gethering at the top of the frame as if it was a wall/box blocking it from escaping.
The smoke is gathering at the top of the frame like that because the building has an overhang at the entrance. Presumably the security camera that caught the footage in the article you linked is mounted on the overhang.
My head cannon is this is peak America, man rents a cyber truck to goto Mexico to buy illegal fireworks because freedom, man decides he wants to express his God given right to blow shit up while drinking in the desert (hence the camp fuel) stops at casino to gamble like a proper American.
And being an American he doesn't have the education to understand flammable items shouldn't be stored in an oven.
I accept that, I'd change that aspect to; I think we can blame Elon for this one. Tesla had some kind of short, fire started and the thing locked itself because apparently that happens now. He realized he was going to die and shot himself to avoid burning to death. Explosion happened due to the fire from the short.
But the driver was a veteran and the trunk of the Tesla was filled with fuel and fireworks. The car was rented.
There's speculation that it was related to another veteran who ran people over in New Orleans around the same time who had literal ISIS bumper stickers on his truck.