Dark humor is like food. Not everybody gets it.
92 0 Reply> dark humor
4chan edgelords be like "where's the racism?"
6 0 ReplyI sure don't.
7 1 ReplyUmmm. I'm in that not everybody bit.
4 1 ReplyCops are infamous for killing dogs. So instead of doggy style sex, doggy style for a cop is shooting them.
38 0 Reply
Friend 1: do you like dark humour? Friend 2 : yes. Frind 1: How dark is your humour? Friend 2: it picks cotton.
2 0 ReplyDaaaaaamn. You win.
2 0 Reply
Is this a joke about cops killing dogs?
62 0 ReplyMight be a joke about police spousal abuse.
26 3 ReplyPor que no los dos?
30 1 ReplySeems unlikely, considering a request for "doggy style" has literally nothing to do with domestic violence, either literally or in any double meaning way.
5 0 Reply
5 0 Replyyes
2 0 Reply
For those that don't get it
42 0 ReplyHot damn this is a good one.
32 0 ReplyNaw, they'd enjoy it.
13 0 ReplyBecause they can't beat her face in that position?
9 0 ReplyI thought this was about police being a lap dog for the elite
2 0 Reply