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Lodeh tempe pete with a side of rice and green beans
  • This looks incredible, thanks for sharing, I love indonesian food and haven't really started to branch out beyond a gado-gado recipe I learned years ago

  • Maypop planted in mid-May bloomed this week
  • Wow beautiful passion flower! Thanks for sharing!!!

  • Raggedy Anarchy's Guide to Vegan Baking and the Universe
  • Every community, this is a veganarchism instance

  • Are Cheap Bike Helmets Unsafe? We visited a helmet testing lab to find out
  • Actually the answer is it depends. Many of the 20 and 30 dollar range helmets scored as high as expensive ones. A 59 dollar helmet has top scores over very expensive options. Some of the really expensive helmets online are counterfeit and don't work at all so it's better buying a cheap actual helmet than expensive fake. Buy at a bike store and not Amazon if you want a four hundred dollar carbon fiber helmet.

  • Are Cheap Bike Helmets Unsafe? We visited a helmet testing lab to find out

    Pancake saturday
  • I've posted it a few times but it's really easy probably easier to retype than find lol

    1.5 cups ww flour .5 tsp baking soda 1.5 tsp baking powder .25 tsp salt

    1.5 cups soy milk 2 tbsp molasses or maple syrup 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar

    2 heaping teaspoons of flax meal 6 tablespoons water

    1 banana

    I mix the dry, then mix the wet, then make the flax egg

    I mix the flax egg into the wet and pour a little over the banana then the rest into the dry and mix

    I made the banana with some of the extra liquid the fold into the batter

    I griddle at around 375 flipping once, 1/4 cup size

  • Wretched of the Earth - Questions for ahead of the reading
  • I think while cliche some of these are actually really apropos to The Wretched of the Earth, particularly about preserving or reforming culture.

  • Wretched of the Earth - Questions for ahead of the reading

    We're preparing to read Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth for August but no time to start reading like the present. I found some generic book club questions from the ALA website which I pasted below. Please post any additional questions you have or objectives ahead of reading so that we can look back after reading and reflect on our presumptions and questions towards the end of the month. You don't need to answer all of these questions word for word, just a guideline of things to post about in the coming weeks. Wretched Of The Earth.pdf

    Thanks for joining!

    1. If your book is a cultural portrait --of life in another country, or different region of your own country--start with these questions first:
    • What does the author celebrate or criticize in the culture? Consider family traditions, economic and political structures, the arts, language, food, religious beliefs.
    • Does the author wish to preserve or reform the culture? If reform, what and how? Either way—by instigating change or by maintaining the status quo—what would be gained or what would be at risk?
    • How does the culture differ from yours? What was most surprising, intriguing, difficult to understand? After reading the book, have you gained a new perspective—or did the book affirm your prior views?
    1. Does the book offer a central idea or premise? What are the problems or issues raised? Are they personal, spiritual, societal, global, political, economic, medical, scentific?

    2. Do the issues affect your life? How so—directly, on a daily basis, or more generally? Now or sometime in the future?

    3. What evidence does the author give to support the book's ideas? Does he/she use personal observations and assessments? Facts? Statistics? Opinions? Historical documents? Scientific research? Quotations from authorities?

    4. Is the evidence convincing? Is it relevant or logical? Does it come from authoritative sources? (Is the author an authority?) Is the evidence speculative?

    5. Some authors make assertions, only to walk away from them—without offering explanations. It's maddening. Does the author use such unsupported claims?

    6. What kind of language does the author use? Is it objective and dispassionate? Or passionate and earnest? Is it polemical, inflammatory, sarcastic? Does the language help or undercut the author's premise?

    7. Does the author—or can you—draw implications for the future? Are there long- or short-term consequences to the problems or issues raised in the book? If so, are they positive or negative? Affirming or frightening?

    8. Does the author—or can you—offer solutions to the problems or issues raised in the book? Who would implement those solutions? How probable is success?

    9. Does the author make a call to action to readers—individually or collectively? Is that call realistic? Idealistic?Achievable? Would readers be able to affect the desired outcome?

    10. Are the book's issues controversial? How so? And who is aligned on which sides of the issues? Where do you fall in that line-up?

    11. Can you point to specific passages that struck you personally—as interesting, profound, silly or shallow, incomprehensible, illuminating?

    12. Did you learn something new reading this book? Did it broaden your perspective about a difficult personal issue? Or a societal issue? About another culture in another country... or about an ethnic / regional culture in your own country?


    Free Sindre! Interview With Sindre, Locked up Indefinitely For Actions Against A Mink Farmer Support Zine

    Direct link to zine pdf

    Warzone Distro is the distributor/publisher, Unoffensive Animal is the zine that did the interview


    Urban Kayaking Adventure: 8 Miles on the Bronx River in NYC

    Smoke weed!
  • It is the Soul Train stage so she is probably one of the studio dancers, no one particularly famous

  • Smoke weed!


    Book Club Non Fiction Pick August: The Wretched of the Earth

    Please read over the month of August, we'll post weekly asking for feed back and what you thought! I'll post more about scheduling and instructions when I think of them.

    Let's blame the dev who pressed "Deploy" - by Dmitry Kudryavtsev
  • Crowdstrike CEO should go to jail. The corporation should get the death sentence.

    Edit: For the downvoters, they for real negligently designed a system that killed people when it fails. The CEO as an officer of the company holds liability. If corporations want rights like people when they are grossly negligent they should be punished. We can't put them in jail so they should be forced to divest their assets and be "killed." This doesn't even sound radical to me, this sounds like a basic safe guard against corporate overreach.

  • Barbecue soy curl sandwich!
  • Hell yeah! This looks awesome sass!!

  • Biden stepping aside as Democratic presidential candidate
  • This is non news lol, there was no way Biden was going to make it to November alive anyway. He looks more frail than Samuel L Jackson in Unbreakable

  • Grilled Veg Wrap
  • Looks amazing! I'm making a Mexican lasagna now by layering tortillas and fillings to bake but this looks better haha

  • You wouldn't go to a prison for fun?
  • It is an old anarchist zine illustration from like 25 yers ago lol

  • You wouldn't go to a prison for fun?


    Raggedy Anarchy's Guide to Vegan Baking and the Universe

    This is the philosophy that inspires !homecooks[email protected]

    Ronald lies to children
  • It is a 20 year old leaflet

  • What's your list of banned brands?
  • All of the Cemex board members are American institutional investors. Cemex operates as a mafia in Mexico for the profit of American oligarchs. Cemusa was the old name of a parent company which was folded into Cemex, I'm old.

  • Pancake saturday
  • 🙌


  • What's your list of banned brands?
  • It is right next to the United States and they operate their military on the border and own all the politicians and businesses in Mexico. This is like telling an abused wife it is her fault for not standing up for herself.

  • The Problem With Leather: Is The Industry Cruel, And Is It Really A Byproduct?
  • I just find it so frustrating when you talk about the problem with leather and the conversation immediately goes to plastic and how bad it is for the world. Yes plastic is bad for the world. Leather might actually be worse. Obviously it requires killing a sentient being that was bred for the purpose of being killed violently for no reason besides making some people rich. It starts with deforestation and monoculture to grow cows which themselves use a huge amount of resources and waste streams including lagoons of shit just to be treated violently abused. Once they are skinned they use huge amounts of highly toxic chemicals to tan the skins to turn them into the raw materials to make leather. All of this is done in places where people are not provided PPE and the chemicals go directly into major water systems. Then there are massive amounts of chemicals, glues, plastics in every step of the manufacturing process until this material is turned into anything. The biggest irony? "Genuine Leather" is the lowest quality leather that is able to be sold and it is nearly 70% plastic and glue.

  • Pancake saturday


    Ronald lies to children

    This is an old school flyer I remember seeing from 20 years ago or more and I found an old copy while going through my stuff, I found it is still online so I printed some new ones and am going to leave some around the place I live lol


    Mastering Whole Tofu 101

    I do something similar but I cut the tofu in half lengthwise so they are thinner but still wide slabs, I think he is a bit thick there with the unseasoned middle.

    The taste of 🦅🇺🇲 Freedom 🇺🇸🦅
  • First thing? Looks like shit for fat loser Americans and I hope the person who eats this has an immediate coronary

  • What's your list of banned brands?
  • Cemex/Cemusa, they buy all the cement Mexico which due to international pressure has no ability to tariff it or anything then sell it back to Mexicans at extremely high prices so Mexico, which is the Saudi Arabia of cement, is filled with half built buildings because no one can afford fucking cement.

  • evergreen meme
  • When asked about Fascism, Liberals are Obi Wan. If course I know him... He is me

  • Jamaican Jerk Seasoning

    This Jamaican Jerk Seasoning blend is made right at home. Save your money and make your own with a kick from a blend of spices.

    Jamaican Jerk Seasoning

    Instant pot penne



    3 Pepperoni Seasoning

    Whether you're making your own homemade pepperoni, or just want some great pepperoni flavor, you'll love this seasoning blend.

    Pepperoni Seasoning

    I'm taking the highway to work


    ACAB - Fuck cops. The A stands for ALL




    Brown rice, sprouted bean dal, veggies and chickpeas in spices and cherries. Whole wheat chapatis and yogurt not shown. In fact, this is an overall shitty picture

    7 Sprouted Moong Chilla

    Moong chilla (cheela), a savory Indian style lentil pancake that's slightly thicker than a crepe or dosa and studded with vegetables.

    Sprouted Moong Chilla