These things happen from time to time. You must be extremely desperate or ignorant to try pulling off a stunt like that. These planes usually fly high enough for the air pressure to drop to lethal levels. If you somehow don't suffocate, the freezing temperature will surely get you sooner or later. Either way, it's pretty much a death sentence.
You need 5-6 hours of oxygen (from the West Coast) and insanely good winter gear to even attempt this. It's extremely dangerous too, since you also could potentially fall out on either end of the journey. Not to mention cold or asphyxiation hazards from rapidly climbing to Everest altitudes.
Oxygen. At 10,000 feet the oxygen becomes an issue. A plane traveling to Hawaii would typically fly between 30k and 45k feet. If there is any consolation, that person would’ve passed out and died relatively peacefully before they got cold enough. And they were probably dead within 20 minutes of takeoff.
You can avoid being crushed. And if they are sending the cause of death is unknown at the moment, they were probably not bleeding out.
Yes the cold will be very bad but if you prepared well enough. People survive in all kinds of cold weather. But at 30k feet it can get -50f… so, that better be a warm ass jacket or you would indeed freeze solid. Hypothermia and frostbite are almost a guarantee. And since they can’t move around to keep their body temp up, they would need to have some kind of heater…. I’m gonna say this probably wasn’t something they considered.
But he managed to get to Hawaii without paying. He'll probably avoid paying for a funeral too. Not sure about the value for money. Guess it depends on your outlook. He won't have to live under the Trump administration anymore either. I'm starting to see some upsides here. Let's think about this.
So at least 27 crazy motherfuckers have survived this? Likely induced hypoxia and worn a few extra layers to escape whatever hell they were in back home and take a gamble on odds worse than betting on black at a roulette wheel? Dayyuummmm i mean maybe if the others bought a hart or milwaukee battery heated coat and taken a tank of oxygen the odds would double in their favor?