Raygun: dishonestly positions herself to take the stage at histories largest physical competition on the international stage. Guaranteeing her chance to take the public eye and leave a mark on history and on the social zeitgeist.
Raygun: fails spectacularly, marking history and leaving behind a special legacy socially.
World: lmao wow
Raygun: it's not fair for you to make social commentary because I didn't do as well as I thought I would.
Get fucked, rayray. You made your bed and now you can sleep in it.
Some idiot online: Posts a complete fantasy retelling of this woman's experience and thinks he's funny for it.
A company tried to copyright HER image. She didn't lie about anything. The first Olympic breakdancing went great, go watch the earliest MMA matches or child pageants.
You're being told how to think by the news and accepting it at the cost of sounding pretty misogynistic, which I don't say lightly. Either you mock this woman cause you're a corporate boot licking asshole or you go "ha woman bad" like there's no other position.
And all for what? an Internet laugh? Grow up idiot.
I only heard about it when I opened Reddit and half my front page was mocking her
Trying to copyright a kangaroo hop is going to be funny. I'm pretty sure we did that in PE in prep or grade 1. Not to mention, y'know, the fact there's 30-80 million (depending on whose guess you trust) animals out there doing it every day
Oh okay, you wanna trademark the single most efficient leg-based locomotion system in the animal kingdom? What's next, wheels? You want the rights to all wheels, as well? What else? Sure, you invented water, that's fine.
I meant I missed the analysis published on The Conversation that I linked. I heard about the shutting down of the musical and saw the news about Gunn's latest insta post. Her response seems kinda 'How do you do, fellow kids' and at first I thought it was hilarious in a 'gift that keeps on giving' kind of way but then I realised it's just sad.
There are many better break dancers in Australia but her and her partner lied and manipulated to get into the the Olympics and made a complete joke about what should be been a serious event.