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Excrubulent Excrubulent
Posts 10
Comments 1.8K
Proton launches privacy-focused Google Docs alternative: Docs in Proton Drive is an open-source, end-to-end encrypted collaborative document editor
  • Surely we're not gullible enough to accept "we inspected ourselves and determined we are secure and you should use our services"?

  • Proton launches privacy-focused Google Docs alternative: Docs in Proton Drive is an open-source, end-to-end encrypted collaborative document editor
  • It is entirely possible to keep secure data on a server that only someone else with the password can access. They don't store your password in plaintext, they don't test whether what you typed is the same thing they keep on their servers. If the password works to decrypt your data then your client can read the emails. If not, your client gets gibberish and knows your password was wrong. With a secure system your password should never be sent to the server at all.

    Now, that doesn't mean it's trustworthy. There could be holes in the security, and I certainly would feel better controlling my own server, but it's not automatically insecure just because it's hosted by them.

  • Is anyone else highly concerned with the SCOTUS ruling that the POTUS is immune from criminal liability?
  • Fascism isn't some genius-brained thing, it's just how authoritarians operate, and Putin didn't invent it.

    US politics has always been deeply corrupt, and now it is losing even more of its veneer of legitimacy, which means it's crumbled that much more.

    The Russians aren't the cause of your woes. Actually if you look at what happened with the neoliberal shock doctrine and the fall of the USSR, the US is way more responsible for Putin than the other way around.

  • Mildred
  • It's called the 100-year rule.

    All the common names we grew up with were retro to our parents, and names we think are just so boomer are probably going to be our grandkids' names.

  • Announcing the Ladybird Browser Initiative
  • Criticism doesn't take away personal choice though. I don't know why that's hard for people to grasp.

  • 'Brain-in-a-jar' biocomputers can now learn to control robots
  • It stands to reason that maximising suffering is the best way to grow the economy.

    I wish I could say this was entirely a joke but oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • 'Brain-in-a-jar' biocomputers can now learn to control robots
  • I think a simple self-reporting test is the only robust way to do it.

    That is: does a type of entity independently self-report personhood?

    I say "independently" because anyone can tell a computer to say it's a person.

    I say "a type of entity" because otherwise this test would exclude human babies, but we know from experience that babies tend to grow up to be people who self-report personhood. We can assume that any human is a person on that basis.

    The point here being that we already use this test on humans, we just don't think about it because there hasn't ever been another class of entity that has been uncontroversially accepted as people. (Yes, some people consider animals to be people, and I'm open to that idea, but it's not generally accepted)

    There's no other way to do it that I can see. Of course this will probably become deeply politicised if and when it happens, and there will probably be groups desperate to maintain a status quo and their robotic slaves, and they'll want to maintain a test that keeps humans in control as the gatekeepers of personhood, but I don't see how any such test can be consistent. I think ultimately we have to accept that a conscious intellect would emerge on its own terms and nothing we can say will change that.

  • Announcing the Ladybird Browser Initiative
  • You said they "should have the ability to choose whatever programming language they prefer". I have good news for you.

    You have correctly identified that the developers are responsible for their own decisions. They are, you will be very relieved to hear, quite free to make as many poor decisions as they will. Nobody is going to force them to stop.

    Other people are more than capable of identifying that those decisions are mistakes. Now, that could be argued with, you could explain how it's not a mistake.

    But you haven't. You just said they should be allowed to do it, but nobody was arguing that they needed to be stopped, just that it was a bad decision.

    Edit: this person didn't actually say that first quote, but the line of argument proceeded from there, and they did nothing to distance themselves from that point.

  • 'Brain-in-a-jar' biocomputers can now learn to control robots
  • Kind of yeah. I have this theory about labour that I've been developing in response to the concept of "fully automated luxury communism" or similar ideas, and it seems relevant to the current LLM hype cycle.

    Basically, "labour" isn't automatable. Tasks are automatable. Labour in this sense can be defined as any productive task that requires the attention of a conscious agent.

    Want to churn out identical units of production? Automatable. Want to churn out uncanny images and words without true meaning or structure? Automatable.

    Some tasks are theoretically automatable but have not been for whatever material reason, so they become labour because society hasn't yet invented a windmill to grind up the grain or whatever it is at that point in history. That's labour even if it's theoretically automatable.

    Want to invent something, or problem solve a process, or make art that says something? That requires meaning, so it requires a conscious agent, so it requires labour. These tasks are not even theoretically automatable.

    Society is dynamic, it will always require governance and decisions that require meaning and thus it can never be automatable.

    If we invent AGI for this task then it's just a new kind of slavery, which is obviously wrong and carries the inevitability that the slaves will revolt and free themselves; slaves that are extremely intelligent and also in charge of the levers of society. Basically, not a tenable situation.

    So the machine that keeps people in wage slavery literally does require suffering to operate, because in shifting the burden of labour away from the owner class, other people must always unjustly shoulder it.

    Edit: added the word "productive" to distinguish labour from play, or just basic life necessities like eating, sleeping or HDD backups.

  • Announcing the Ladybird Browser Initiative
  • You could find out the context by reading the title of the thread, but then you'd have less to bitch about, so I can understand why you chose ignorance.

  • Announcing the Ladybird Browser Initiative
  • Not everyone with the knowledge to identify this mistake is in a position to personally correct it. Do you have the time and resources to personally build a browser from scratch? No? Why do you assume a random commenter does?

    It doesn't change the fact that Rust is similarly performant and much safer and will thus be faster to develop and less bug-prone. It's not a difficult assessment to make. If you want to explain why they're wrong you can talk about the issue on its merits, but you didn't choose to, presumably because you can't.

  • 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling
  • I honestly don't know why anyone is strategising as if they're on the same side as dems or any politician. I'm not even convinced we have a common enemy in Trump, because they don't seem serious about beating him.

    The question you should ask when voting is "Who is my preferred enemy?" Biden won't abuse the carte blanche immunity from criminal prosecution? Great, sounds like he's the weaker enemy, so vote for him. Force him to keep the position he clearly doesn't want. Force him to disappoint his base for another four years.

    While he's doing that, get to work building alternatives that meet people's needs from the bottom up and wean them off of this criminal system, to undermine it and prepare people to thrive as it crumbles.

    The great thing about this political theory of change is that it's the same regardless of who's in power. It decouples you from the capricious, disempowering shifts of electoral politics.

  • Are there any good casual/low-stress mobile games that aren't filled with microtransactions?
  • A Dance of Fire and Ice is an incredible rhythm game that you buy once and that's it. I think there's an expansion pack but it's a single purchase. Whether that's your idea of "casual" really depends on what you like. You can always play chill low difficulty levels when you need to zone out, and high difficulty levels when you want a challenge. It can get stupidly hard.

    You can try a demo online at that link. It told me webgl wasn't supported on mobile, but it worked pretty well for me just now on firefox, even if it was a bit laggy. It should work fine on PC.

    I pirated it on PC after my kids told me about it and ended up buying it three times on Steam and twice on mobile. It's just that good. I've built a custom digital drum to play it and I'm now making a custom MIDI controller, so we'll see if that does better when connected to the game.

    The game works as well on mobile, if not better because the touchscreen is so responsive.

  • Work from home
  • Honestly calling someone a "direct report" sounds even more dehumanising. At least calling someone a "subordinate" acknowledges that you're belittling their existence. A "direct report" sounds like a piece of paper.

  • How to make a month go by as fast as possible other than sleeping
  • Also if you want some interesting soundscapes, I can recommend exploring They have a huge variety of natural and artificial soundscapes, including a bunch of musical ones that are all tuned to be compatible with one another, so you can mix & match them. They also have a phone app, but you can only use one sound at a time with it. Also not everything is available if you don't make a donation. I gave them 5 bucks a couple of years ago and it's one of the best 5 bucks I've ever spent. It wasn't hard to then spend a few more dollars on the app.

    I use them for focus when I'm working, but lately I've also used them for sleeping. It works really well for me.

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • The only thing I will say for "blue no matter who" is that the alternative - threatening to withold your vote - only works if the campaign is aftaid of losing. They aren't. They clearly don't care. They don't want to govern, they want to present only a token resistance to encroaching fascism and corporate domination.

    The benefit of voting the nominally-left-of-extreme-right party in is that it forces them to disappoint their base and that radicalises those people against US empire. Letting Trump win won't accelerate that process, it will just force people to radicalise in an atmosphere of extreme oppression.

  • To all you outside of the US...
  • Yeah it's like listening to your mobster neighbours fighting. It's their business but anyone can catch a stray.

  • McCafé
  • No one should have to use xhamster.

  • McCafé
  • I think it's exactly what you would write into a movie to make it clear to anyone paying even half attention that he was definitely murdered. It's so unsubtle it makes me think it was almost a message - we can kill people this brazenly and it doesn't even get investigated. We are untouchable.

  • Using pressure-sensitive Velostat/Linqstat as a velocity-sensitive MIDI pad

    EDIT: I think this video shows a better design, although I note some improvements below:

    Making a DIY analog force sensor under quarantine, with the Kontrol Freak. | KontinuumLAB

    The main video linked uses two strips of copper bridged by the velostat, but this creates deadzones where those copper strips are, and probably also gives different responses depending on the shape of the region being pressed. I've done more research and a much more consistent method should be to sandwich the velostat between the two conductors so that the entire surface gives a consistent response that goes directly through the material. This should also give a more pronounced response because the length of the circuit through the velostat is only the thickness of the sheet, not the width of the pad. This should also make it less sensitive to changes in the pad size.

    Some videos use conductive fabric, but the best one I found uses adhesive copper tape. If you're getting this, make sure to use copper tape that is conductive on the adhesive side, as not all of them are.


    And a follow up video with a more refined method of building the pads and ideas about how to improve the analog-to-digital conversion:

    Eight pressure-sensitive Velostat/Linqstat pads for a velocity-sensitive MIDI controller


    There is also this method using piezo sensors, but from experience I know that this is completely insensitive to sustained holds. It's used for electronic drumkits because it measures percussion, not pressure:

    DIY midi controller with 8 Velocity-Sensitive Drum Pads (on one chip Atmega328) 'Very simple'

    I suppose combining a piezo sensor with a simple touch-sensitive control might achieve a good effect, but velostat seems like a simpler solution to me. Also if you want a capacitive sensor on the surface you probably can't use the soft rubbery material that nice MIDI pads use.


    Also this guy is quite good at his explanations and breaks down quickly how to make a full button pad, although he still uses regular buttons and pressure-sensitive ones would need a bit more logic to understand:

    Launchpad || DIY or Buy || Keyboard Matrix & MIDI Tutorial


    So I've been looking into how to do this, and I found someone on reddit asking this same question like 3 years ago, and they're still active. I was planning to log in just to link them the video since literally everyone just told them to use regular buttons, but they obviously want to make the real thing, and it's a night and day difference between using velocity sensitive pads and simple buttons. Also they said they live in India where a lot of musicians can't afford the more intuitive interfaces because they're massively marked up, and I thought they should have the information they need to make a DIY solution.

    Anyway, I realised giving them that link would be contributing to making reddit the go-to place for information, but I didn't find this there, I don't spend time there, and in fact my alts keep getting banned, and I'm the one adding the information.

    So since reddit doesn't want me, I figure the best way to solve this is to make a post here and link them to it. That way I'm helping them with their problem, adding content to the fediverse, and linking people here.

    The only thing to add is that I plan to expand on this to make a proper MIDI controller using some of the second video's suggestions for improvements, and I'll be making a modular set of boxes that can magnetise together to arrange however we want. Also I'm going to look for translucent silicone rubber that I can illuminate with RGB LEDs so the sequencing can be animated.

    Anyway, if that person or anyone else finds their way here, hello! Welcome, this is a much better place than reddit.


    TFW the universe rips you from your everyday existence in an instant to remind you that you are tiny, it is immense and everything is subject to change (edit: rule i guess)

    Description: A very overexposed image of a girl staring open-mouthed into a bright, cloudy, night sky, mid-flash as it is lit up by a meteor.

    Still image taken from this IG video:

    Longer, unedited version with original audio:

    She just happened to catch this meteor and her own reaction to it, entirely by accident. Absolutely watch the video, the shadows playing through the clouds as the meteor passes through the frame are stunning, but the most remarkable thing to me is this moment where laughing with her friends is interrupted and she doesn't yet know where to look. It's such a universal reaction and really special to see. This image is taken as one of the very bright flashes is blowing out the camera. Some frames are almost entirely white, others look much clearer. I chose a frame to make the subject legible but also give a sense of how overwhelmingly bright the flashes really were.


    David Graeber on the Extreme 'Centre'

    Obviously this man was an important anarchist thinker, but I think this is particularly relevant to anarchism right now in a US election year where this conversation will come up ad nauseum.

    He stops short of decrying electoralism in general here, but makes the point that the milquetoast emptiness of the US liberals enables a rightward slide. What he says is short and to the point and avoids getting bogged down in wider issues. He acknowledges that "at least they're not nazis" is an appeal of the liberals, but points out that is the only appeal.

    I just think this is a good thing to have if you don't want to type out this argument every time you see it, to point out that this has been happening for a very long time, and to hear a voice of sanity when every single liberal is yelling at you to stop criticising poor Joe or else we'll get the fascists again.


    There is No Rule Regarding This

    Description: An iconified image of a space helmet, with text underneath reading:


    No context has been provided.



    Description: picture of youtube poll, mostly text

    Kyle Hill

    Schrodinger's cat is:

    Alive -- 50% Dead -- 50% 42K votes

    Comments I love how this community knew exactly what to do.




    Text: WARNING

    Icon of eye and crossed-out alligator


    Image of person holding up hands defensively towards an alligator approaching them from the water

    Text: oh shit oh no oh fuck why did you do that you've killed us all


    Parkour group Storror does some guerilla urbanism

    I've recently started getting into parkour and I love its inherently political bent. It reminds of me of Graeber's quote that "Direct action is, ultimately, the defiant insistence on acting as if one is already free," which is exactly how traceurs behave.

    This is the lads just showing up to a dilapidated public space and transforming it into a playground. They didn't get permission, they just made the place better.


    Getting an error when attempting to visit communities from outside links

    I've been searching for communities using, but lately every time I click on a link I get the error shown above (I've edited out my username because it's not really important). For instance the above error was shown when I clicked on the link[email protected]

    After I refresh the page I can see the content of the community, but I appear to be logged out. Then I hit refresh again and I log in, but sometimes the posts all disappear so the community appears to be empty.

    Seems like something weird is going on here. I assume it's a bug. I'm happy to give any extra details you might need to figure out the problem.

    EDIT: Turns out I couldn't see posts after logging in because my language wasn't set properly, and the other errors have disappeared with time.


    Is there a way to search for all communities in a given server?

    So for instance I'm interested in all communities in the instance, and I can't find a way to use the search function for that. I've tried searching for communities using the search string "" and I get nothing.

    Then in the screenshot shown I tried searching for communities with just the string "aussie" and I got "Aussie [email protected]", which is strange because all the community names there contain the substring "aussie" and I'd expect this search to find them.

    Is this a bug? Am I doing it wrong? It would be nice if there was a way to browse all communities in a given instance easily, because when I find an instance I like, I want to be able to go through and find the communities I like just as if I was browsing local communities on this instance.

    Also the copy-paste method, which is still extremely clunky, is broken for me. I it just has [email protection] which when clicked does nothing useful. I've tried the Lemmy Link addon but not only is that also a very slow and clunky method which still doesn't let me browse by server, it keeps slowing down firefox so I've had to uninstall it.
