Cool, let's make NASA even more about capitalism instead of science, what could go wrong? And surely we won't see NASA funding funneled off to SpaceX through shady contracts either. Ugh.
I highly doubt it. Maybe some enshitification, but NASA funding comes from Congress, and provides a LOT of jobs to a lot of different districts. Even in Republican-led legislators it has been funded at good levels, and Trump has repeatedly expressed the desire to return to the moon during his term.
I can't stand orange man or rocket man, but they do seem to have a desire to return to a space age that is making some progress.
This is a quite inflammatory headline. Technically true, but it turns out Isaacman is a decent pick for NASA administrator. After all, he’s a real fighter jet pilot and astronaut who has performed multiple scientific missions in orbit.
Yeah, he’ll probably push for more commercial launch services. For example, he’s a big proponent of a Hubble service mission to fix the gyroscopes that are currently broken.
Idk how he got treated in training to become an astronaut as someone who was partially funding it (conflict of interest wise). Definitely has some insights into the internals of the program now