Before Trump took office, Obama was facing an opposition Congress with a majority in the house and senate. They passed something like 80+ bills to fully repeal Obamacare which Obama of course vetoed. They lacked the majority to overturn the veto but did so anyway.
They did this all the leading up to Trump, with many Republican candidates promising that they would repeal Obamacare once the Republicans took over the government.
Guess what?
They did.
But guess how many full repeal bills got passed let alone introduced? A full fat zero.
Because everyone in the Republican party knew that it would absolutely kill chances at keeping the majority. They played political theatre for two years and then pussed out when Trump got into office.
The Republican Healthcare plan will arrive the same week George R. R. Martin publishes Winds of Winter.
Which coincidentally will be the same week either party does anything to reign in the global attack on every conceivable front by the market capitalists on Earth and humanity.
It's awesome how the people who worship him all have terrific health because of their awesome healthcare from the orange man. Absolutely none of them are crushed with burdensome medical debt. They're all doing great.
Many years ago, long before the advent of cellular phones or even really GPS units, when doing road trips in convoy, the local ritual was "Are we there yet?" "Twenty minutes."
Said question, over the course of a few years, migrated from "we're off the highway and approaching our final destination" to as we were departing... But everyone was in on the joke.
I don't think the people waiting another two weeks are in on the joke.