The 4070 uses a lot less power, has significantly better ray tracing performance, superior resolution scaling and frame generation(dlss), better encoding/streaming options while being 5-10% slower in rasterization. And it costs around the same. And the 12gB vram arent a bottleneck in any real use so far.
Amd products are way overpriced, especially considering they are in the 2nd place. Amd has made great products in the past but atm, their offers are barely competitive and not a significant deal over nvidia's. And that is a deliberate choice by amd.
They dont want their products to be better, they want to be slightly better offer than nvidia. Amd's 6650xt, 7600 and 7800xt are fine products but they are just fine, not a clearly superior option to nvidia's.
$60 games that are actually worth $60, instead of $70 games that are worth $35.
Affordable parts prices.
Games which require always online connections releasing dedicated server files before shutting down to allow users to continue playing on private servers.
I can't wait to be disappointed on every single one of these.
Full price games that ere actually full games with no need to buy overpriced mini dlcs, but instead release a full expansion like Cyberpunk did. No more always online for single player games.
Also release your games on Gog after two years so when I buy it I can be sure I'm fucking owning it.
A few years ago they added a launcher to all rockstar games. Much like the more recent 2k launcher it's really only there to enforce you having an account and to accepting some t&c to play the game. Probably so they can force US people into arbitration, and harvest data.
I recently got RDR2 from Steam. When I started it up, it presented me with a "you must also have a Rockstar account, and accept those T&C in addition to the stuff that Steam already requires. In turn, we will capture information that is entirely irrelevant to you playing the game; and by the way, would you like to subscribe to our newsletter, marketing, promos, and daily joke emails?"