All firearms are female, they accept things inside of them and then at some point in the future they expel a smaller-but-not-identical version of that same thing. Also some of them are queens and the government wants to control them. Ammunition is male, its entire job is to get inside and shoot its shot, and many people consider it expendable and interchangeable.
I think Christian Leftists are based and cool, you're basically THE Christians who care about what Christ actually wanted for us, but also because you're on the Left you run into r/Atheist type chuds all the time, meaning you work with people who are hostile to you because you know that it's the right thing to do.
That's pretty based and cool.
I'm not Christian myself, I learn more Buddhist in my spirituality, and even then I'm more agnostic on my ideas about God, but there's a lot I legitimately respect about the faith.
Buddhism isn't a theological religion. There simply is no god in Buddhism. There are gods, yes, but they are just part of Samsara, the cycle of birth and rebirth, like everybody else.
So beeing agnostic is right in point in that regard, if not even completly atheistic.
You want a fun read look up the official ATF inquiry letters about the "tactical fleshlight" where they're asking if it counts as a stock or a brace, making it either a short-barreled rifle or a pistol.
" extremely leftist" is relative for an american, what does this mean?
They allow gays or women who had abortions to live?
Extremely leftist is called communism, are you?
I believe in an adjusted UBI. All people should be provided food, private housing (shouldn't have to have 4 roommates just because you're poor), education, and Healthcare along with a basic stipend for other expenses.
There should be a wealth and income cap, beyond which you're taxed at 100%.
Corporate leadership should be criminally liable for the actions of their companies, and unions should be mandated, with unions having equal voting power to the shareholders.
You mention some elements here which are not even too spectacular in a center-left social democracy.
These things do not warrant calling it 'extreme leftist' or 'communist'.
Which also wouldn't have to deal with shareholders since stock markets are gambling with other people's money and labor. So that's a no no.
I believe it not, please show me the data that proves your wild claim.
If you can prove ther are more than 200000 I'll take a plane and sing the internationale for them.
Either it's a bcs of not knowing the definition of communism (a common occurence for Americans), or you have a different understanding of the word 'plenty'.