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magic and psionics how to make the two feel distinct

I'm working on making my own ttrpg, a mystery action game where you play as a Psyker , think a combination of Call of Cthulhu and earthbound. The setting is suppose to be sort of a kitchen sink encompassing almost every type of supernatural entity or phenomenon and I'm struggling to come up with an origin and general vibe surrounding magic and witchcraft. I want it to be distinct from psionics with the two not encompassing the same abilities while at the same time making magic useful and interesting in case players want to interact with a potential magic system.

As of right now, most abilities i can think of can easily be done with psionics in some way so what would you say are some distinctly "magic" like abilities that you generally don't expect psionics to be able to do.

Music Monday - what have you been listening to?
  • I've been on a nostalgia binge as a lately and decided to listen to a bunch of stuff from my childhood. The Killers, No Doubt, Modest Mouse ect. I used to be really into rock, as a kid.

  • A Dragon I Drew in Color Pencil
  • thank you, I haven't thought about that, you may be right. I'll have to look into that

  • A Dragon I Drew in Color Pencil
  • oh this isn't a photograph, but a scan instead, i tried taking a pic before but my photography skills are abysmal.

  • A Dragon I Drew in Color Pencil
  • also, does anyone have any advice on scanning color pencil drawings, the colors never seem to match the original

  • A Dragon I Drew in Color Pencil
