Most people who carry guns are doing it for self-defense, not civil defense.
The rules of an Active-shooter event are:
If you can't flee, hide.
If you can't hide, fight back.
Carrying a concealed weapon doesn't change that. I have a little 380 pocket pistol I'll occasionally carry. It's low-capacity, low-power, and low-accuracy. No way am I volunteering to take on a psychopath with a long gun who isn't worried about collateral damage with my little pea shooter, and anyone Who expects me too just because I'm armed can kiss my ass.
I carry a pistol to protect me from muggers and car-jackers, not to protect the public.
Having the general public feeling that they need to carry a gun for self defense just sounds crazy to me.
Stabbings have risen here in the UK but generally it's either a rare occasion where some nutter is on the run or it's gang related. In general I would never feel the need to carry my own knife around for self defense. I don't know anyone who carries a knife around with them for self defense.
Imo only an idiot would carry a knife for self-defence, especially if untrained. If someone (probably women especially) feels unsafe, carrying CS-spray would be more reasonable imo.
Its weird you got downvotes. A knife is a terrible weapon for self-defense, the odds of you getting fucked up by your own knife are extremely high. Pepper spray is far superior to a knife for any realistic self-defense situation.
It's similar in a lot of states in the US. You aren't legally allowed to carry a knife for self defense, or as a weapon, but recently in my state, the laws were changed so that you can carry any size blade without a reason. So if you say "I carry a knife for defense" you'll get fined/arrested and your knife would be confiscated, but if you say "it's for cutting stuff" or nothing at all, thats legal.
Almost all of our gun violence is the same, gang/drug related. The media here acts like it's random killings all over the place, its not. You have a better chance of drowning in a pool than getting killed by an ar15 here, yet people, even in this thread, think it's something that happens like every 3 seconds.
You conveniently left out school shootings. between 2018-2023 more than 1200 school shooting incidents occured. You literally can not kill a dozen of people with knives but u can easily do it with a gun.
I'd feel fine with someone carrying a weapon if it's based on a reasonable fear, and they make an effort to stay trained/safe with the weapon. For instance, they exited an abusive relationship with a significant other who feels they "belong" to them.
But there's a lot of people who stretch the statement of "I don't feel safe" to far more cases than make sense.