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feiras peach
Posts 7
Comments 36
Ist hier jemand? :3
  • Hab ihn dir per PN geschickt

  • I wanna get a corgiii!

    Pls post pictures of your potatoes so that I can admire them in the meantime :3

    Ist hier jemand? :3
  • Omg hiii

  • McRule

    (I advise against buying from McDonald's)

    The US is ending support for Ukrainian F-16s, but there is a way out —
  • The French learned their lesson here and its paying off!

  • It costs even less
  • Nahá sounds really nice actually!

  • Ist hier jemand? :3
  • Mich kriegst du nicht runtergezogen :P ... hab mich damals glaub ich zwei Wochen oder so krankgemeldet und dann kurz darauf nochmal Urlaub genommen

    Meld dich gern jederzeit wenn du wen zum schreiben willst! :3

  • Ist hier jemand? :3
  • Ohje, das hatte ich letztes Jahr auch für ein paar Wochen, als ich herausgefunden hab, dass ich Autistin bin... Hoffe dir geht es bald besser <3

    Hab mir vorhin lecker Nudeln gekocht, nen Spaziergang gemacht und mir grad die Nägel neu lackiert ^^ Entspannt die Woche ausklingen lassen...

  • Ist hier jemand? :3
  • Jetzt ja nicht mehr :P

    Wie gehts dir, auch grad so schöner Sonnenuntergang?

  • Ist hier jemand? :3
  • Huhu, ja grad gesehen :) Bist du denn noch da? :3

  • Gotta catch 'em all
  • Waah, why is the picture slightly tilted? O.o

  • eepy rule
  • Life's hard sometimes, but that doesn't mean that you and certainly not that I have to be the same way :3

  • eepy rule
  • I'm an adult, but thank you for stepping in <3

  • eepy rule

    mhm just really cute friends :3
  • Thanks, things were starting to get out of hand again. I want to be social tomorrow and have to get up early... Nightzz :3

  • MtF podcast recommendations
  • I'll check it out , thank you :))

  • MtF podcast recommendations
  • thanks * . *

  • MtF podcast recommendations
  • thank you :)

  • girls opinions on the other hand.....
  • at this point I have no brain, just eep :x

  • MtF podcast recommendations
  • No problem, I also speak the Deutsch ^^

  • MtF podcast recommendations
  • Both are fine ^^

  • MtF podcast recommendations

    Feel free to suggest in the comments :) Just looking for something relatable to listen to while commuting or doing household chores xx

    This autism ring I just bought
  • afaik it stands for neurodivergence in general and is not (yet) negatively connotated

  • This autism ring I just bought

    Sadly a bit too smol

    DJing, disc jockeys, & deejays peach

    Your favourite mixes

    Drop them below! Preferably with Genre / Style mentions :)


    I'm super worried about my hairline regression

    Makes me feel super dysphoric - currently I already have a discernible M shape on my forehead (short-medium hair ATM, growing it out) -.- Any tips on what I can do before going on hormones? Could that hair grow back once I'm on them? Any hairstyling advice?
