DJing, disc jockeys, & deejays
What kind of mixing do you do?
Curious what groups here like to do for mixing. I started this community yesterday just because I didn't see anything comparable on Lemmy yet. I'm by most measures an amateur/hobbyist but enjoy looping and mixing songs on 3/4 decks using tracks as 'soup ingredients' a friend of mine once observed. I like to play with minimal and techno a lot which I think lends itself to those techniques.
What kind of mixing do you like to do? What kind of genres do you prefer playing?
XDJ-AZ Meet the XDJ-AZ all-in-one DJ system - AlphaThetaAlphaTheta Corporation announces the release of the XDJ-AZ, a powerful new 4-deck all-in-one DJ system with the layout and features of a club-standard setup. This new unit has been designed to offer the ultimate all-in-one DJ experience, significantly evolving the features and usability of its prede...
I know Pioneer/AlphaTheta are controversial lol