Because it's not really about that. Trans people are just in the way of the extreme misogynists' dreams of wives they can beat into a bloody pulp, and will hub them back, and cannot divorce them, have no legal rights, etc.
That's bad argument, and name change was literally least controversial thing he did IDK why people constantly talk about this. Anyone have right to propose name change of any geographical place inside country, and that change is only within that country. It's better to concentrate on more important things that happened than this.
Oky, you might be right stand corrected, didn't know that. But I honestly still think it's the least bad thing he did, I think people who concern themselves with other, worst things he did, and not just by posting online but also by protesting because that is the only way to come to an end with fascists, but again of course value your privacy and security first and then when you feel ready protest. Not American but wish you all best.
I don't get why insults, I just said anyone can propose change of name of geographical places and that this change is least controversial and people should talk about more important things than this. Like ban on abortion, and many things he did. I never said I support Trump and I don't support either Republicans or Democrats.