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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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My GPU fans on the “Auto” setting
  • I don’t know of any modern paste that is electrically conductive

    I wasn’t trying to imply that. When I said “frying the chip” I meant through bad thermal coupling.

    contrary to the old belief, you can’t use too much.

    You’re the first person to suggest that, and frankly, I find that counterintuitive. Everything isolates if it’s thick enough. However I’ll also look into that someday and see if there’s something to it. Thanks again.

  • If a handheld device cannot withstand being dropped, it’s planned obsolescence
  • I’m using my old Nokia to this day. And why? Because “suddenly being stopped even after a few feet” wasn’t “difficult to mitigate” for Nokia. In the last 15 years this thing must have survived more than 100 drops, sometimes down a staircase. When I pick up the back cover, the battery and the SIM card, it’s as good as new.

  • 📄 rule
  • I’m German. If the pages are a comfortable size, why does no publisher ever use A5 or A4 paper? To quote an answer I gave to another comment here:

    Let’s check. I grabbed four random German books from my bookshelf. If you’re right, the pages should either be roughly 30cm×21cm (A4) or 15cm×10.5cm [Edit: 21cm × 15cm] (A5).

    Book 1: 18cm × 11.5; book 2: 19cm×12.5cm; book 3: 20.5cm × 12.5cm; book 4: 24cm × 17cm. None of those conform to the standard.

    Another hint that the paper format is weird is that scientific papers on A4 are always either printed in two columns or use the ninths rule for margins, i.e. 1/9 of margin on the inner and upper edges and 2/9 of margin on the outer and bottom edges, essentially throwing away almost half of the page (I’ll admit there are more economic recommendations of 1/11 or 1/13). This is to make the columns narrower to get closer to the target of 60–80 characters per line. Note also that this makes the ‘usable’ area approximately 20cm long, which is much closer to the American’s ‘Legal’ format (216mm).

  • 📄 rule
  • almost all consumer printers are for a4.

    I never said A4 wasn’t the standard. I said it’s not a good one.

    books in a4 size actually consist of a3 sheets bound together in the middle. (same with other sized books)

    Let’s check. I grabbed four random German books from my bookshelf. If you’re right, the pages should either be roughly 30cm×21cm (A4) or 15cm×10.5cm [Edit: 21cm × 15cm] (A5).

    Book 1: 18cm × 11.5; book 2: 19cm×12.5cm; book 3: 20.5cm × 12.5cm; book 4: 24cm × 17cm. None of those conform to the standard.

  • If a handheld device cannot withstand being dropped, it’s planned obsolescence

    My GPU fans on the “Auto” setting
  • I’m comfortable opening it up, but applying thermal paste, possibly fucking up and frying the chip? Hell, no! :D

    Edit: If I start tinkering with this, I’ll first look into other fans that might shovel more air more quietly.

  • My GPU fans on the “Auto” setting
  • Thanks for your post. I learned something.

    I do worry about the temperature because I don’t like the smell of burnt dust. Also the coating of my table starts decoloring if my laptop sits on it at peak temperature. All that would be avoidable if the fan controls would just raise the fan speeds sooner.

  • Some "Law"
  • Good luck finding any nontrivial law that applies to each and every instance of a human construct. “Money can be exchanged for goods and services” until you show up at a store with 10 kilograms of 1-cent coins. A single violation (or even many) don’t mean the underlying law (or rule or principle or guideline or whatever ‘less strict’ version you want to call it) is bad.

    Newton’s gravity is wrong. There’s no arguing about that. But still every middle-schooler around the world learns it because it is ‘good enough’ in all but extraordinarily special cases.

  • My GPU fans on the “Auto” setting


    I know the max rated temperature for my GPU is 92°C, but that doesn’t mean it’s your target temperature!

    TNG v DS9
  • After watching Lower Decks for 3 seasons and going back to TOS, I’m thinking about watching some of the middle entries. What are some of the meaningful differences between them. In other words: What should I watch?

  • Greek letters too!
  • Sadly, I cannot remember which YouTube video featured this: But a guy basically speedran the description of how to solve a quadratic equation the Babylonian way, that is, drawing squares and circles and shit. It took quite a while for him just to list the steps. All that disappears once you learn the formula with the bad, scary letters.

  • It really be like that

    cross-posted from:


    Is there a way to rewire a wire junction or re-layout a pipe junction?

    I’ve noticed that changes to pipe and wire layouts are instantaneous if no new entities need to be built. For instance, this wire layout:

    ───── ─────

    can be changed to this immediately:

    ──┬── ──┴──

    Is the reverse also possible somehow? If I wanted to separate the two networks again, I’d deconstruct one of the middle wires and rebuild them in the right orientation, without the junction. But that can’t be the proper way to do it, right?


    I guess this isn’t news to anyone, but I just thought of it

    Raising a child costs between $13k[2] and $35k[1] per year in the USA – depending on where you live and who you ask.

    With a minimum wage job ($7.25/hr) you need to work about 5 to 13 hours per day to make that much – before taxes.




    I like it when you don’t even need to click the search result to get the answer



    Maimai-Transkription (“Is this a pigeon?”):

    Ein Heranwachsender, betitelt „Eltern”, zeigt auf einen Schmetterling, betitelt „Kind, das 10 Minuten lang nicht an Brei erstickt” und fragt: „Ist das Hochbegabung?”


    Very few people have ever witnessed the mating call of the wild Gegl. It sounds like a creaking door.


    When it’s Saturday and there’s no new content on lemmy

    Meme transcription:

    > When it’s Saturday and there’s no new content on lemmy

    > [Confused boy:] “You guys have lives?”


    When it’s Saturday and there’s no new content on lemmy

    Meme transcription:

    > When it’s Saturday and there’s no new content on lemmy

    > [Confused boy:] “You guys have lives?”


    When it’s Saturday and there’s no new content on lemmy

    Meme transcription:

    > When it’s Saturday and there’s no new content on lemmy

    > [Confused boy:] “You guys have lives?”


    Picking up a game after a long time

    Meme transcription:

    Panel 1: Smooth Spongebob extending his hand friendlily to greet someone. Caption: “Your skills when picking up a game after a 6 month break”

    Panel 2: Jagged-up Spongebob standing in a ring, angrily looking at his opponent. Caption: “The boss you didn’t want to beat last time”

    CrappyDesign bleistift2

    Should I cancel?

    Crappy Design bleistift2

    Should I cancel?


    Should I cancel?



    Ent-Behaupter: Ich kenne niemanden, dem das so passiert ist.

    Maimai-Transkription: Mantarochen diskutiert mit Patrick aus Spongebob Schwammkopf.

    [Paneel 1:] Mantarochen in Rolle eines Arbeitnehmers: „Das ist mein Arbeitsvertrag.“

    [Paneel 2:] Patrick in Rolle einer Personalabteilung: „Jupp.“

    [Paneel 3:] Mantarochen: „Hier steht, ich arbeite 160 Stunden für 3500 Euro.“

    [Paneel 4:] Patrick: „Jupp.“

    [Paneel 5:] Mantarochen: „Jemand, der mehr arbeitet, sollte auch mehr Lohn bekommen.“

    [Paneel 6:] Patrick: „Da sehe ich nichts Falsches dran.”

    [Paneel 7:] Mantarochen: „Ich habe 200 Stunden gearbeitet.”

    [Paneel 8:] Patrick: „Jupp“

    [Paneel 9:] Mantarochen: „Wo sind meine 875 Euro?”

    [Paneel 10:] Patrick: „40 Überstunden sind inklusive.”


    Sometimes things do go your way

    cross-posted from:

    > cross-posted from: > > > cross-posted from: > > > > > Meme transcription: 4 panels of Vince McMahon reacting increasingly ecstaticly to: > > > > > > 1. Your software isn’t working. Vince McMahon looks curious. > > > 2. The bug is in a library. McMahon smiles. > > > 3. There already is an issue on Github. McMahon makes an orgiastic face. > > > 4. They published a fix last week. [I don’t know how to describe the face McMahon is making.]


    Sometimes things do go your way

    cross-posted from:

    > cross-posted from: > > > Meme transcription: 4 panels of Vince McMahon reacting increasingly ecstaticly to: > > > > 1. Your software isn’t working. Vince McMahon looks curious. > > 2. The bug is in a library. McMahon smiles. > > 3. There already is an issue on Github. McMahon makes an orgiastic face. > > 4. They published a fix last week. [I don’t know how to describe the face McMahon is making.]


    Sometimes things do go your way

    cross-posted from:

    > Meme transcription: 4 panels of Vince McMahon reacting increasingly ecstaticly to: > > 1. Your software isn’t working. Vince McMahon looks curious. > 2. The bug is in a library. McMahon smiles. > 3. There already is an issue on Github. McMahon makes an orgiastic face. > 4. They published a fix last week. [I don’t know how to describe the face McMahon is making.]


