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bartolomeo bartolomeo
Posts 14
Comments 972
White Nebraska man shoots and wounds 7 Guatemalan immigrant neighbors
  • Imagined persecution can have real results, often playing into the hands of the rich & powerful.

  • Americans Show Heightened Concern About Antisemitism
  • You ok? You jumped straight into imagined victim mode. I never said or implied any of the things you're defending yourself against, and I don't believe they are true.

    I read and generally like your comments, and I don't think you think that your personal experience invalidates statistics. Are you stressed out or something?

    No harm meant.

  • Americans Show Heightened Concern About Antisemitism
  • Are you talking about the "phobia" part of Judeophobia? It's not about fear, as in "a phobia". It means negative attitudes, feelings, or actions towards a group, in this case Jews. Like transphobia isn't a fear of trans people, it's a dislike (sometimes intense) of trans people.

    EDIT: bro did you just read the first word of my comment and then comment back?!


  • Americans Show Heightened Concern About Antisemitism
  • a person who I'm fairly certain was not a Jew themselves, actually declared me not Jewish because I live in the U.S. Which is just another form of antisemitism.

    Antisemitism (or, more accurately, 'Judeophobia') is being bigoted against someone because they are Jewish. What that person said to you was not antisemitism, it was just stupid.

    Overusing and misusing (sometimes intentionally- à la Israel) that accusation dilutes it's severity and makes people more likely to handwave actual incidents of discrimination and bigotry, which is not good my Squid.

  • Americans Show Heightened Concern About Antisemitism
  • Judeophobia (at least in the UK) is not systemic like racism against blacks is in the U.S.

    Jews are more likely to own their homes than the general population (73% versus 64%).

    People who identified as Jewish were more likely to report a Level 4 or above qualification as their highest level of qualification compared with the population of England and Wales (50.7% compared with 33.8%).

    Overall, people who identified as Jewish on Census 2021 were less likely to live in overcrowded accommodation (6.7%) compared with the England and Wales population (8.4%).

    In 2018, median hourly pay was highest among those who identified as Jewish, partly reflecting a greater likelihood among this group to be employed in high-skilled occupations and as managers

    That being said, is any group immune from assault? Even individuals squarely in the power majority, like a heterosexual, native, white, male Englishman, are subject to random assault (verbal and physical), destruction of property etc. not as a result of his personal actions. It seems like Jews as a group have it pretty OK but they want the red carpet rolled out for them or something.

    Perhaps it's one of those things that's actively measured against, leading to increased reporting? I know that Travellers and Chinese (as just two examples) don't have access to this kind of infrastructure, so reports against bias toward those groups might be under-represented.

    To address Judeophobia we must address the elephant in the room- Zionistic Israel using Jews as human shields to protect themselves from any repercussions of their crimes against humanity. Israel supporters increase polarization between Jews and non-Jews, signaling that anyone against the actions of Israel is against Jews as a group, which is a blatant lie.

    There are also "boy who cried wolf" incidents which dilute the severity of bigotry against Jews and are not helping our cause, but those are minimal compared to, for example, organizing an "Antisemitism Awareness Rally" which is just a front for Israeli PR so they can continue their genocide against the Palestinians a little bit longer without losing too much public support.

    Not to downplay the fact that some people do discriminate against Jews and that is wrong, but this antisemitism hyper-vigilance against the backdrop of Israel's actions reeks of McCarthyism, especially considering Israeli hasbara.

  • Israel releases director of hospital it says was used as a Hamas base. He alleges abuse in custody
  • Israel has since raided other Gaza hospitals on similar allegations, forcing them to shut down or dramatically reduce services even as tens of thousands have been wounded in Israeli strikes or sickened in the harsh conditions of the war.


    Amnesty International has so far not seen any credible evidence to support Israel’s claim that al- Shifa is housing a military command centre – and indeed Israel has repeatedly failed to produce any evidence to substantiate this claim, which it has promoted since at least the 2008-9 Operation Cast Lead.

    You have to be really depraved to want people to suffer without medical treatment.

  • Can you have local reverse proxies?
  • This is the correct answer.

    Edit /etc/hosts and add

    so when you type into the address bar it goes to

  • France Is Headed Towards Its Most Feral Right-Wing Regime Since the Nazis
  • The author showed his bias when he wrote

    Indeed, the polls indicate Le Pen’s awkward and aggrieved racist coalition—along with the inventively loony left-wing anti-Israel alliance dubbed the New Popular Front—is positioned to form a government that could defenestrate Macron’s Ensemble! coalition in the 2027 presidential election.

  • So is Israel just going to completely overtake Palestine?
  • Keeponstalin's comments are always top notch, and I just want to add a bit more info about the exerpt that reads:

    A minor incident concerning prayer arrangements near the Wailing Wall, the western wall of the Haram, sparked violence that soon swept through Palestine as a whole in 1929.

    The "minor incident" went as follows:

    On 15 August 1929, Tisha B'Av, the Revisionist youth leader Jeremiah Halpern and three hundred Revisionist youths from the Battalion of the Defenders of the Language and Betar marched to the Western Wall proclaiming "The Wall is ours". The protesters raised the Zionist flag and sang the Hatikvah.[13] The demonstration took place in the Muslim Maghribi district in front of the house of the Mufti.

    Two days later, in raised tensions caused by a 2000-strong Muslim counter-demonstration after Friday prayers the day before, a Jewish youth, Avraham Mizrahi, was killed and an Arab youth picked at random was stabbed in retaliation.[14] Subsequently, the violence escalated into the 1929 Palestine riots.

  • Ukraine destroyed columns of waiting Russian troops as soon as it was allowed to strike across the border, commander says
  • "So sad that the Ukrainian government cares so little about it's people it is giving Russia an excuse to demolish Ukraine."

    - Some Israel Supporter, probably

  • So is Israel just going to completely overtake Palestine?
  • Ok next item was "monetary policy".

  • So is Israel just going to completely overtake Palestine?
  • Bombing residential areas and targeting hospitals is very wrong, isn't it?

  • So is Israel just going to completely overtake Palestine?
  • I think they are the same person.

    Both hasbara accounts none the less.

  • So is Israel just going to completely overtake Palestine?
  • I see your point. It's not wrong when it happens to Arabs but wrong when it happens to Jews. Can you help me fill in the blanks?

    R A _ _ S _


    racist ass motherfucker

  • So is Israel just going to completely overtake Palestine?
  • Don't bother, that must be one of those tantrum fueled hasbara accounts.

  • So is Israel just going to completely overtake Palestine?
  • Can you just tell us? That's a pretty big book.

  • So is Israel just going to completely overtake Palestine?
  • Hamas has pretty much total iron first control of Gaza

    Don't you mean Israel has pretty much total iron first control of Gaza? Hamas does not control the borders, the monetary policy, electricity, water (via a racist system of permits being habitually denied), airspace, sea, population registry, international trade, ID cards, or travel to and from Gaza. Israel does. Israel even sells the drilling rights for natural gas off the coast of Gaza.

  • So is Israel just going to completely overtake Palestine?
  • Yes, they usually do it slowly to avoid suspicion but when the situation is convenient they go ahead and take a big bite out of Palestine.

    That's how they have been operating, even before the establishment of Israel:

    Before the 1948 Arab-Israeli War broke out, the Carmeli Brigade's 21 Battalion commander had repeatedly damaged the Al-Kabri aqueduct that furnished Acre with water, and when Arab repairs managed to restore water supply, then resorted to pouring flasks of typhoid and dysentery bacteria into the aqueduct, as part of a biological warfare programme. At some time in late April or early May 1948, - Jewish forces had cut the town's electricity supply responsible for pumping water - a typhoid epidemic broke out. Israeli officials later credited the facility with which they conquered the town in part to the effects of the demoralization induced by the epidemic.[54]

    Israel's Carmeli forces attacked on May 16 and, after an ultimatum was delivered that, unless the inhabitants surrendered, 'we will destroy you to the last man and utterly,'[55] the town notables signed an instrument of surrender on the night between 17–18 May 1948. 60 bodies were found and about three-quarters of the Arab population of the city (13,510 of 17,395) were displaced.[56],_Israel#1948_Palestine_War

    It is evident that that is their modus operandi because now Gaza's water system is destroyed, and I suspect they will take Gaza just like they took Akka.

    Israel taking over Palestine has been the plan since the beginning, as the founding fathers of Israel themselves announced:

    Zionist leaders, in particular David Ben-Gurion, viewed the acceptance of the [United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine] as a tactical step and a stepping stone to future territorial expansion over all of Palestine.

    Then they started.

    Between 1947 and 1949, at least 750,000 Palestinians from a 1.9 million population were made refugees beyond the borders of the state. Zionist forces had taken more than 78 percent of historic Palestine, ethnically cleansed and destroyed about 530 villages and cities, and killed about 15,000 Palestinians in a series of mass atrocities, including more than 70 massacres.

    All the theatrics about Israel's right to defend itself etc. are just cover for the long history of horrible crimes and human rights violations Israel has perpetrated (and continues to perpetrate). There is a reason that people are mad at Israel, and it has nothing to do with being Jewish.

    So yea, Israel is going to continue overtaking Palestine, unless they start being held to international law like everyone else. Germany and USA impede on that process, but hopefully the rule of law will triumph because

    Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.

  • The ten stages of genocide Holocaust Memorial Day Trust | The ten stages of genocide

    Genocide never just happens. There is always a set of circumstances which occur or which are created to build the climate in which genocide can take place. The ten stages of genocide are; classification, symbolisation, discrimination, dehumanisation, organisation, polarisation, preparation, persecut...

    Holocaust Memorial Day Trust | The ten stages of genocide

    Palestinians are at #8.

    30 How Israel’s Hasbara Went Belly-up in the Face of Global Protest - The Bullet

    For 11 days in May of this year, the world watched in horror as Israel’s missile onslaught on the civilians of Gaza went into full swing. According to the

    How Israel’s Hasbara Went Belly-up in the Face of Global Protest - The Bullet

    This article is not from Israel's current assault on Gaza but from the one in 2021. Hasbara is an important topic, though, because it is creeping into Lemmy more and more.

    Hasbara can be defined as

    > Israel's efforts to communicate directly with citizens of other nations to inform and influence their perceptions, with the aim of garnering support or tolerance for the Israeli government's strategic objectives.

    and this takes the form of people trying to manipulate the public discourse to suit a political agenda, often done on social media.

    In the current western political climate, hasbara is used to minimize and / or justify Israel's occupation and genocide in Palestine, and to excuse or ignore Israel's blatant and egregious violations of human rights and international law.

    Some examples from social media platforms:

    Twitter notes

    Hasbara App


    Facebook again

    Massive (and distasteful) ad campaign on X and YouTube

    Hasbara is used not only on the platform level, but also in person-to-person online communication. Hasbara is a form of propaganda, so logical consistency is not required, as you can see in this recent example of someone arguing in the style of hasbara right here on Lemmy:

    > I would personally reject this deal.

    > The Palestinian people do not deserve to live under the rule of Hamas. In 19 years of living under Hamas, after all the money given to them by the US, France, the UK, Qatar, Iran, and even Israel, the only thing they built for the Palestinian people has been tunnels to commit terrorism from.

    then when people pointed out the complete inaccuracy of the statement, the commenter pivoted to

    > Building tunnels as the sole piece of infrastructure for your people is the sole response to a 30 year genocide?

    > I don’t think that is true, and I don’t believe you think that is true either. It sounded good when you said it though, and I’m sure it felt even better.

    Here we can see several hasbara strategies- the commenter feigns concern for Palestine (deception), uses bad faith arguments which are completely made up, moves the goalposts, projects, contradicts themselves, and then tries to gaslight the other person when they get called out.

    A hasbara agent tries to keep the other commenter(s) busy defending themselves or correcting the hasbara agent's ridiculous statements and accusations, so that the original point is forgotten and the hasbara agent's own dishonest (and often narcissistic) behviour is never addressed.

    Some manipulation tactics that are characteristic of hasbara are

    • bad faith arguments

    • false accusations

    • straw man fallacy

    • moving goal posts

    • deceptive distraction (answering an honest question with a loaded question)

    • hypocrisy (especially accusing people of putting words in their mouth, being dishonest, or using any of these listed manipulation tactics while accusing the other party of doing so)

    • victimization

    • gaslighting

    • aggression

    • projecting

    Hasbara in it's current form is a method of psychological manipulation ranging from propaganda to historical denialism to calls to violence against obstacles to the Israeli government's strategic objectives (e.g. "there are no innocents in Gaza").

    Fortunately Lemmy users are usually smart enough to downvote hasbara posts and comments to signal their falsehood, but since hasbara comments spread misinformation, aid human rights violations, and attempt to radicalize people, they should be treated as the abuse they are and reported, blocked, downvoted etc.

    Although hasbara actors are a very small, yet very aggressive, minority here, let's keep Lemmy a safe, fact-based place to exchange knowledge, culture, and opinions.


    It just gets worse the more you read

    Reading about the current events got me looking into the history of Palestine and Israel, and I noticed a lot of Israel's politicians (like Yitzhak Shamir, Menachem Begin, and Ariel Sharon to name a few) were Zionist terrorists (using the word literally, not subjectively) since before the establishment of Israel. The groups they belonged to, like Haganah, Irgun, and Lehi have been designated terrorist organizations by the United Nations, British, and United States governments, and

    > Albert Einstein, in a letter to The New York Times in 1948, compared Irgun and its successor Herut party to "Nazi and Fascist parties" and described it as a "terrorist, right wing, chauvinist organization".

    The Zionists have explained their view as follows:

    > Neither Jewish ethics nor Jewish tradition can disqualify terrorism as a means of combat. We are very far from having any moral qualms as far as our national war goes. We have before us the command of the Torah, whose morality surpasses that of any other body of laws in the world: "Ye shall blot them out to the last man."


    > Late in 1940, Lehi, having identified a common interest between the intentions of the new German order and Jewish national aspirations, proposed forming an alliance in World War II with Nazi Germany.[22] The organization offered cooperation in the following terms: Lehi would rebel against the British, while Germany would recognize an independent Jewish state in Palestine/Eretz Israel, and all Jews leaving their homes in Europe, by their own will or because of government injunctions, could enter Palestine with no restriction of numbers.[32] Late in 1940, Lehi representative Naftali Lubenchik went to Beirut to meet German official Werner Otto von Hentig. The Lehi documents outlined that its rule would be authoritarian and indicated similarities between the organization and Nazis.

    It just gets worse the more you look into it, but it does give important context to the current genocide in Gaza, and to the decades old conflict in general.


    Can I just use dd to clone my laptop to a bootable USB stick?

    I know about Clonezilla and copy pasting partitions with gparted, but can I just use dd to copy a partition with batocera to a USB stick and will it then boot from the stick? Do I have to set the boot flag or take any other steps?

    Thank you for any tips.


    Realistically, how can Palestine gain it's freedom?

    We know what happens with peaceful protests, elections, and foreign interference (and more foreign interference), so how can Palestine gain it's freedom? Any positive ideas are welcome, because this situation is already a humanitarian crisis and is looking bleaker by the day.

    Historical references are also valuable in this discussion, like slave revolts or the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, although hopefully in the case of Palestine a peaceful and successful outcome can be achieved, as opposed to some of the historical events above.

    SNOOcalypse - document, discuss, and promote the downfall of Reddit. bartolomeo

    Is this normal on Reddit when a country gets formally accused of genocide?

    This was on the front page a day or 2 ago, right near the top:


    It seemed... inorganic. And I'm not sure what the gold trim is on those posts. Other posts didn't have them.


    What do the icons to the left of the username mean?

    For example that red "no person" symbol. I've seen another one that looks like a redish pinkish "no message" icon. What do they mean and are there more symbols like that on Jerboa?

    EDIT: While I do appreciate the input, it's surprising that there is no authoritative answer. The git also doesn't specify what these icons mean.


    What do the symbols next to usernames mean on Lemmy?

    I'm using Jerboa and I sometimes see symbols next to peoples' username. One looks like a "no message" symbol, and the other looks like a "no person" symbol in red. What do they mean? Are there more symbols?

    I've tried a web search but I only found results related to Motorhead and some kind of desert rodent.

    Also, is it possible to search the content of posts on Lemmy? At least in Jerboa the search function seems to be only to search for communities by name. Surely someone has asked this before but I couldn't figure out how to search posts.


    Edit: added an example of the "no person" icon


    "Did you know you can just shoot the French?"



    Which version of a distro to install?

    Hi Linux- how important is it to install, say Debian, the version that is specifically made for your hardware? For example, if I have a Rock64 SBC, do I have to install Debian-rock64.img or can I just go with Debian-arm64.img? Will I lose performance/features if using generic arm64 image, or conversely, will I gain performance/features if using the image made for my specific SBC? Is the generic image even compatible with all hardwares?

    Thank you.
