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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 19
Comments 72
Removing ads from Smart TV YouTube app
  • I already have a Raspberry Pi 4 with 2GB of RAM lying around. Can I somehow connect it to the TV and use it via the TV remote? If so, what OS would I need to install to it, and what software would I use?

  • Removing ads from Smart TV YouTube app

    I don't know if this is the correct community to post this. I have a Smart TV from a Greek manufacturer named TurboX. Not Android TV, Smart TV. This means that it has Internet access, has some pre-installed apps, but I can't install any other apps on it. The menus thankfully don't have any ads. However, the Youtube app has. I highly doubt there is any way to remove those, but if you guys know or found any, can you let me know?


    Tools and ideas for backup of many files
  • Thanks for responding. I actually don't have Immich yet on the Raspberry Pi, so it's the first time I will be installing it and then importing the photos. I don't actually care a lot about the migration, since I can just reconfigure the services. I want to ensure that if a drive fails, I can restore the data. I would try RAID, but I read that "RAID is not backup". Or I could just run the command you provided in a cronjob.

  • Tools and ideas for backup of many files

    Hello everyone,

    In a day or two, I am getting a motherboard with an N100 integrated CPU as a replacement to the Raspberry Pi 4 (2 GB Model). I want to run Jellyfin, the *arr stack and Immich on it. However, I have a lot of photos(for Immich) and movies(for Jellyfin) (in total about 400 GB) that I want to back up, just in case something happens. I have two 1TB drives, one will have the original files, and the second will be my boot drive and have the backup files.

    How can I do that? Just copy the files? Do I need to compress them first? What tools do I need to use, and how would you do it?

    Thanks in advance.

    EDIT: I forgot to mention that I would prefer the backups to be local.


    What is/was your distrohopping journey?

    For me it was:

    Windows (for many years) -> Ubuntu (for a year) -> Arch Linux (for half a year) -> Void Linux (literally 2 days) -> Artix Linux with runit (a month) -> Gentoo Linux (another month) -> Debian (finally, I don't plan on changing it).

    Also, when trying to switch from Gentoo to Debian, I fucked up all my data with no backup.

    What was your journey?

    EDIT: Added Windows

    My friend didn't have a great experience with Linux
  • My friend doesn't blame me. He blames Linux, which also isn't nice. Of course, it isn't Linux's fault that the Roblox developers patched their game so it cannot be ran with wine, but in his eyes, and the eyes of the non tech-savvy people, if it runs on Windows and not on Linux, Linux is doing something wrong.

  • My friend didn't have a great experience with Linux
  • I am trying to make him learn something by explaining what the commands do. For example, I say to them "run cd Documents which changes your current directory to Documents.". But I agree with you, I will tell him a little more about dual boot, and if he doesn't want to dual boot, I will help them install Windows.

  • My friend didn't have a great experience with Linux
  • The problem is not that games don't run smoothly. The problem is that games don't run at all or require major effort to run without issues. Will installing that distro fix the complicated installation of Prism Launcher cracked? I don't think so. But I agree with you for the fact that I chose the wrong distro. I wanted something easy for beginners.

  • My friend didn't have a great experience with Linux

    I have been daily driving Linux for over two years now and I have switched distros many times. So, when my friend bought a new laptop, I convinced him to install Linux Mint on it. I asked him if he wanted to dual boot, he said no because it would fill up all his storage. We installed Linux Mint. The other day, he wanted to play FIFA 17 on his computer. After 5 whole hours of troubleshooting we were able to get FIFA running smoothly with some issues. Next, he wanted to play Roblox. I guided him through the process of installing Waydroid and libhoudini, only to discover that Roblox would run at 10 FPS. With Minecraft, it wasn't any better. It took us 1 hour to get it working (not skill issue, he wanted to play cracked through Prism Launcher). Now, he wants to go back to Windows 10. I have already told him about dual boot, but he has only 256GB of storage and he wants to play a lot of games. What should I do? Install Windows to his laptop, install some other Linux distro, or try to convince him more about dual boot? Thanks in advance and sorry for the essay.

    UPDATE: Of course I will help him install Windows on his computer if he wants so, I don't want to force him to use Linux after all. I just wanted him to give it a try, and maybe daily drive it, if he can.

    EDIT: Because for some reason it was misunderstood, let me clarify it here. Roblox ran with poor performance on Waydroid, not Minecraft. I just said that the installation of Prism Launcher cracked was difficult. After that, Minecraft ran smoothly without any problems.


    Recommendations for cheap hardware upgrade

    Hello everyone,

    I am running some services like Jellyfin, Radarr, QBittorrent, Jellyseerr and some others on my Raspberry Pi 4. The problem is that it is already struggling to run those, since it has only 2GB of RAM. I wish it was possible to do a RAM upgrade to the Raspberry Pi but the RAM is soldered to the motherboard. I don't want to buy another Raspberry Pi with more RAM because they are quite expensive and I don't want to have two of them. So can you recommend something for around or under 100€?

    Thanks in advance.


    I think I just nuked my home partition

    I wanted to install Debian Linux after a weird journey with Gentoo Linux. My partition layout is this:

    • Boot Partition (512 MiB, mount at /boot)
    • Swap Partition (4 GiB)
    • Root Partition (~80 GiB, mount at /)
    • Home Partition (~170 GiB, mount at /home, LUKS encrypted)

    While trying to preserve the home partition, I think I clicked 'Configure encrypted partitions' on the Debian installer and then set a password for it (the same that it had before).

    Now, I can unlock it like before, but after it is unlocked, no utility recognizes the filesystem (ext4) and the file command reports it as being data: ```

    file -s -L /dev/mapper/home

    /dev/mapper/home: data ```

    file on the encrypted partition returns the following: ```

    file -s /dev/nvme0n1p4

    /dev/nvme0n1p4: LUKS encrypted file, ver 2, header size 16384, ID 3, algo sha256, salt 0x590d84c0e8397ad0..., UUID: c5ff37db-11f7-4ccf-8869-c4bc22648202, crc 0x345f75d85c9f444a..., at 0x1000 {"keyslots":{"0":{"type":"luks2","key_size":64,"af":{"type":"luks1","stripes":4000,"hash":"sha256"},"area":{"type":"raw","offse ``` (This is the complete output, it cuts at offset for some reason)

    My luksDump output is this: ```

    cryptsetup luksDump /dev/nvme0n1p4

    LUKS header information Version: 2 Epoch: 3 Metadata area: 16384 [bytes] Keyslots area: 16744448 [bytes] UUID: c5ff37db-11f7-4ccf-8869-c4bc22648202 Label: (no label) Subsystem: (no subsystem) Flags: (no flags)

    Data segments: 0: crypt offset: 16777216 [bytes] length: (whole device) cipher: aes-xts-plain64 sector: 512 [bytes]

    Keyslots: 0: luks2 Key: 512 bits Priority: normal Cipher: aes-xts-plain64 Cipher key: 512 bits PBKDF: argon2id Time cost: 6 Memory: 1048576 Threads: 4 Salt: 18 b4 a6 e9 87 1f 94 f6 7d 96 f2 9c 0f 2e ca 75 e6 0f 80 7d 09 70 40 19 d0 a4 a1 49 ff 5c 1c 0b AF stripes: 4000 AF hash: sha256 Area offset:32768 [bytes] Area length:258048 [bytes] Digest ID: 0 Tokens: Digests: 0: pbkdf2 Hash: sha256 Iterations: 171785 Salt: c2 b0 a6 f5 e1 bf 5f 85 82 b1 d5 f3 10 c6 ae b7 7c fc 50 41 c5 a6 03 f6 5a bd ac df 46 89 7b c6 Digest: 57 7d fb 87 69 c5 58 07 cf 82 88 5e f8 c6 39 f5 7d 00 ec 07 e0 df b8 ee b5 dd ff 20 bf b3 bc 01 ```

    My guess is that I re-encrypted the already encrypted partition. Also, I noticed that the UUID changed. Can anyone help me recover it? Thanks in advance.

    If you need more logs, I will happily provide them to you.


    What is Reddit doing

    I don't use Reddit anymore, but I wanted to search something that I couldn't find anywhere. This is what I saw. After killing all the other apps, Reddit now is trying to force us to use their own spyware app.


    I can see the reference!

    Alt text:

    Image that says:


    int& a = b;


    Yes, it is all Unix

    Alt text: meme with the 'Always has been' format Linux, MacOS, OpenBSD and ChromeOS logos on top of the Earth The first astronaut says 'Wait, it's all Unix?' A Windows logo, on top of the second astronaut. The second astronaut says 'Always has been' and points a gun to the first astronaut.


    Problems running *arr stack on Raspberry Pi

    Hello everyone, I have a Raspberry Pi 4B with 2GBs of RAM. I am trying to run all the *arr stack via docker containers(5 or 6 containers) but this causes my Raspberry Pi to lag very much. I could not use any of the stack's web interface or SSH to the pi during the lag and to fix it I had to reset the pi.

    I think it is because I have little RAM but it might also be the power supply because I sometimes get messages for undervoltage.

    What do you think is happening and how could I fix it? Do I need to buy a more powerful device?

    Thanks in advance.


    Minecraft Bedrock for Linux

    Hello, I am trying to install Minecraft Bedrock on Arch Linux to play cross-platform multiplayer with my friends. I have heard about the mcpelauncher but that requires to have Minecraft from Play Store, and I already have bought Java and Bedrock for PC. Can I do anything to actually play Minecraft Bedrock on Linux?

    ThinkPad VitabytesDev

    Thinkpad X250 suddenly stopped working

    My Thinkpad X250 suddenly stopped working one day. I opened it and I saw this chip left to the Ethernet port. It seems like it has exploded or something like that. Before it stopped working, sometimes it would get as hot as 95°C. Do have any idea of why it would stop working and if so, how I could repair it? Thanks in advance.



    Any Chromium and Firefox browser prior to version 116 will be vulnerable to this, update your browsers.

    Unixporn VitabytesDev

    [GNOME] My first rice

    OS: Arch Linux

    Gnome Theme: Orchis GTK

    Icon Theme: ePapirus-Dark

    Terminal Emulator: kitty

    Terminal Theme: Catppuccin with some changes

    GNOME Extensions: Dash to Dock, DING, Extension List, User Themes, Places Status Indicator, Removable Drive Menu


    Firefox for Android vs Fennec

    Title basically. I want to know what are the differences and which is the best in terms of privacy. Also, F-Droid says that Fennec tracks your activity, is it true?


    Privacy respecting alternative to Youtube

    I need a more privacy-oriented alternative to Youtube. I have try Odysee, which open-source but it has to do with tokens and that seems to me like crypto, which I don't like. I have heard about Newpipe but this only for Android. Can you recommend me one that is also for the web and optionally open-source?

    Sorry for bad english
